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绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 35

" "That may make me feel badly tomorrow, Josie," laughed Anne, "but just now I honestly feel that as long as I know the violets are coming out all purple down in the hollow below Green Gables and that little ferns are poking their heads up in Lovers' Lane, it's not a great deal of difference whether I win the Avery or not.


Don't want 'em poking and prying about.


Early the third morning Tom Sawyer wisely went poking among some old empty hogsheads down behind the abandoned slaughter-house, and in one of them he found the refugee.


They went about poking sticks into the sand, and when they found a soft place they went down on their knees and dug with their hands.


And one great shark came near to the ship, and poking his nose out of the water he said to the Doctor, "Are you John Dolittle, the famous animal-doctor?


She found Gub-Gub poking his nose through the bars of the window, trying to sniff the cooking-smells that came from the palace-kitchen.


But there it was, a goofy frog head poking out of the 70% cool water-30% dirt mixture of his flower pot.


"If your goal is to lose fat, skipping sleep is like poking sticks in your bicycle wheels," Penev said.


21- April 20) When your Aries dad is poking fun or picking a fight with you, believe it or not, he is saying that he loves you.


But there it was, a goofy frog head poking out of the 70% cool water-30% dirt mixture of his flower pot.


You risk poking yourself in the eye.


~Lily Tomlin as "Edith Ann" The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called "truth.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(185)

" "Sometimes the fog is so thick in the morning, all you see is the tip of the two towers poking through.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(168)

" I followed the tube poking through bandages on my chest to a container halffilled with columns of water.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(144)

We march on the grass and pull the wagon behind us, around apple and cherry trees, which become skyscrap ers soaring into clouds, heads poking out of thousands of windows to watch the spectacle passing below.


That doesn't mean poking cotton swabs, bobby pins or any other implement into the ear to retrieve it, doctors implore.

肥胖歧视受法律管制 嘲弄者将被重罚

Poking fun at fat people should be treated as seriously as racism and sexism, researchers have said.


I was so distracted by the color that I slashed my ring finger with the razor blade, but that saved me the trouble of poking myself with a syringe — I was to supply the human genome.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(78)

Nguyen said, poking out her face.


Poking around inside our nostrils is disgusting, unhygienic and potentially harmful, so it's baffling that it's as common as it is?

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