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万物简史 第3期:引言(3)

"protoplasmal primordial atomic globule", as the Gilbert and Sullivan song put it, \"\",、 to sentient upright modern human has required you to mutate new traits over and over in a precisely timely manner for an exceedingly long while.


Located 5250 meters (over 17200 feet) above sea level in Tibet the Chinese telescope will be very well-placed to study the primordial phenomenon.


Sobral said, is something so spectacular and unlikely that astronomers do not know if it has ever happened, namely a primordial cloud bypassing the star stage and collapsing directly into a black hole.


Meanwhile Mr Dangi, a primordial dwarf who makes placemats and head straps for villagers carrying heavy loads, is the shortest adult to ever have been verified by Guinness World Records.

狗狗就算再温顺 也会羡慕嫉妒恨

Harris concluded, in a paper in PLoS One written with Caroline Prouvost, also at the University of California, San Diego, that the dogs showed a "primordial" form of jealousy, not as complex as the human emotion, but similar in that there is a social triangle and the dog is trying to make sure it, not the rival, receives the attention.


On Earth, primordial volcanic eruptions brought up lava containing huge amounts of volatile substances such as carbon dioxide, sulfur, water vapor, and chlorine.

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