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In 1986, a power station on the outskirts of Pripyat suffered a massive accident in which one of the reactors caught fire and exploded, spreading radioactive material into the surroundings.

研究发现 加州红酒放射性水平有所上升

Researchers from the University of Bordeaux Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Bordeaux-Gradignan in France tested California wine from before and after the Fukushima disaster and found there was double the amount of cesium-137 in its Cabernet Sauvignon after the 2011 tsunami caused the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors to leak.


There vats of liquid wait to record the flight of neutrinos from the center of the sun, from exploding stars, atomic reactors and the Big Bang itself, carrying messages through time.


Radiance is so pervasive that geologists have uncovered evidence of 14 naturally occurring nuclear reactors.

福岛核电站辐射太强 又一机器人报废

Tepco has an enormous task of removing the molten radioactive fuel from three of the four reactors but this is the seventh robot to be affected by the radiation and the first to go as close as it went to the core of the explosion.


Scientists found that by heating graphite blocks - used to house uranium rods in nuclear reactors - much of the radioactive carbon is given off as a gas.

日本成功分离可燃冰 或化解能源危机

" The move comes as resource-poor Japan has struck out in search of new energy supplies after it shut down its stable of nuclear reactors in the wake of 2011's tsunami-sparked nuclear crisis.


But huge investments in power in the decade since, and the construction of a number of dams, nuclear reactors and coal-fired plants due to begin operating in the next 10 years, means the country faces a growing surplus.


However, most nuclear power reactors only have high school diplomas.


A court in Japan issued an injunction Tuesday blocking a power company from restarting two of its nuclear reactors.


The city of Fukushima is just 60 km away from the crippled nuclear reactors.

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