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A Bad Day at Work

Rob is a commercial saturation diver for Global Divers in Louisiana.


Fiddling with the room's temperature, humidity and saturation, the authors tested how emissions changed under certain conditions.


It can also tell people about their respiration and blood oxygen saturation.


After years of booming sales, China's smartphone market is showing signs of saturation.

朋友圈晒吃的 怎么拍最有逼格?

Play a bit with saturation and shadows.

读新闻坏处太多 少读可能更快乐

That's why we experience almost no saturation.


They prefer using bright colors and tend to bring the contrast between them into such clear relief that will give a saturation and bouncing visual effect.


Twitter users that have a profile picture with higher aesthetic quality – increased contrast, sharpness, saturation, less blur – were associated with open personalities, the team found.


Both of these markets have matured during the past 30 or more years, but if history is any guide, are nowhere near saturation, because shoes will continue to wear out (quickly!


Apple may be reaching the saturation point among potential customers in some countries, and other smartphone makers using Google's Android operating system continue to challenge the company with powerful, lower-price devices.


Both groups are also unveiling new phones at Mobile World Congress, alongside scores of other devices from a wide range of manufacturers, which will highlight the saturation of similar products in a now mature market.

新闻坏处多 少读更快乐?

That's why we experience almost no saturation.

NASA发布照片:冥王星 你为什么心碎?

What you're looking at is an image of Pluto with heavily exaggerated color data -- like when you amp up the saturation on an Instagram.

黄昌圭 移动芯片老兵的新挑战

Finding new revenue streams is now the company's biggest challenge as South Korea's mobile market nears saturation, with fierce competition among the country's three telecoms groups depressing their margins.

生活节奏匆乱快 可别忘了记忆力

The researchers talk of "attentional saturation" and "inattentional amnesia", but I think it is simpler than that.

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