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英国语文第一册 第50期:夏天

They cut it with long sharp scythes, or with reaping machines.

格林童话英文版:The Owl

A great noise and clamour arose in all the streets, the townsmen came armed with spears, hay-forks, scythes, and axes, as if they were going out against an enemy; finally, the senators appeared with the burgomaster at their head.

格林童话英文版:How Six Men Got On in the World

But it did not look as if he would, for laborers met him everywhere, and they had scythes upon their shoulders as well as he.

格林童话英文版:The Three Sons of Fortune

But it did not look as if he would, for laborers met him everywhere, and they had scythes upon their shoulders as well as he.

安徒生童话英文版:The Story of the Year

And days and weeks passed, the bright scythes of the reapers glittered in the corn-fields, the branches of the apple-trees bent low, heavy with the red and golden fruit.

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