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The original Dutch 'kroket' is made from beef or veal, but there are many different flavors like chicken satay, shrimps, goulash or even a vegetarian 'kroket'.


Naked,they lived on shrimps and crabs and often stole salt from villagers' houses to spice their food.


" To Samphire Starboard, who'd not touched a drop of wine for months on end, that seemed too good to be true They were almost in sight of their home port when the captain led Samphire to a table and placed several bottles of wine before him Samphire drank and drank until he fell unconscious to the floor Then the captain said to the king's daughter, "Don't you dare tell your father that drunkard freed you Tell him that I freed you myself, since I'm the captain of the ship and ordered him to re

安徒生童话英文版:The Dryad

A crab clambered over him, looking like a gigantic spider, while the shrimps wandered about in restless haste, like the butterflies and moths of the sea.

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