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安徒生童话英文版:The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf

Our little bird flew away into the public roads, and found here and there, in the ruts of the sledges, a grain of corn, and at the halting places some crumbs.

安徒生童话英文版:In the Uttermost Parts of the Sea

They had a very singular appearance in their rough, hairy dresses of fur, and riding in sledges over the ice.

安徒生童话英文版:The Snow Queen-Second Story

In the great square, the boldest among the boys would often tie their sledges to the country people's carts, and go with them a good way.


The sledges did not appear again.

世界上最冷的地方-8 穿越高原

'We can pull the sledges ourselves,'Scott said.

世界上最冷的地方-7 机动雪橇与大山

Scott had two motor sledges now.

世界上最冷的地方-6 出师不利

The dogs ran quickly,and the men sat on the empty sledges.

世界上最冷的地方-5 漫长的寒冬

The skis and sledges came from the best shops in Norway,but Bjaaland wasn't happy with them.

世界上最冷的地方-4 食品贮藏屋

They ran quickly over the snow and pulled the big sledges from the ship onto the ice.

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