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Passengers in the compartments have access to Wi-Fi and can charge their electric devices with installed sockets or USB ports.


He loved to play with my sockets and rolled them around on the shop floor.


" Xu said the revised standards will cover charging posts and electric vehicle sockets, adding they would enable new-energy cars from different models to share charging posts.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(81)

And his eyes receded in their sockets.


He loved to play with my sockets and rolled them around on the shop floor.


He loved to play with my sockets and rolled them around on the shop floor.

格林童话英文版:The King's Son Who Feared Nothing

Scarcely had a couple of drops wetted the sockets of his eyes, than he was once more able to see something, and noticed a little bird flying quite close by, which hit itself against the trunk of a tree.

格林童话英文版:The Two Travellers

" When the tailor heard that, he took his pocket-handkerchief, pressed it on the grass, and when it was moist with dew, washed the sockets of his eyes with it.

安徒生童话英文版:The Story of the Wind

I blew up the fire in the coals on the hearth, and it threw a red glow on his ghastly white face, lighting it up with a glare, while his sunken eyes looked out wildly from their cavernous depths, and appeared to grow larger and more prominent, as if they would burst from their sockets.

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