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The nature reserve is based around Lake Karakol, near the shores of the Caspian Sea, and is home to a variety of rare and endangered species.


Probably this might be the reason why we human are the most developed of all living species on the earth, and probably also in the universe.

什么样的人注定无法成功? 最令人难以接受的事实有哪些?

Social: : That as a species we don't have many generations left before the Earth will be unable to support us and we have used up the resources that could have gotten a "seed" of our species to another planet to continue our existence.

印尼海岸发现抹香鲸尸体 腹中满是塑料垃圾

"Although we have not been able to deduce the cause of death, the facts that we see are truly awful," Dwi Suprapti, a marine species conservation co-ordinator at WWF Indonesia, was quoted as saying by the Associated Press.


So, if the emotion behind art is what makes it, the ability to create and use tools is what makes human beings different from other species.


Other species with similar practices include chimpanzees in West Africa, macaques in Thailand and other species of capuchins in South America, New Scientist reported.


Social: : That as a species we don't have many generations left before the Earth will be unable to support us and we have used up the resources that could have gotten a "seed" of our species to another planet to continue our existence.


As is often read in the newspaper reports, wild life especially the rare species is threatened with extinction.


But if they don't drive carefully, they can become an endangered species.


Rishi's first day of play with Emily came in 2008 when her father Barry, a photographer, had an assignment at the Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species (TIGERS) and took her along.

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