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" Maggie could look at Stephen, which, for some reason or other she always avoided when they were alone; and he could even ask her to play his accompaniment for him, since Lucy's fingers were so busy with that bazaar-work, and lecture her on hurrying the tempo, which was certainly Maggie's weak point.


'" "Oh no, I shall not respect an Adam who drags the tempo, as you will," said Lucy, beginning to play the duet.


In the poem the outpourings of the heart and the rapid tempo of poetic melody fully demonstrated the poet's hurricane-like creative power at work.


Tempo wants to be the Peloton of barbells.


The tempo of the music is fast, but the beating of my heart is faster.

全球最小的手机Tiny T1面世

The Tiny T1 works on 2G networks and boasts a 200 mAH battery that lasts up to three days per-charge, as reported by tempo.


However,in contemporary society,due to the accelerated tempo of life,many people are so indulged in the internet that they do not read books any more,thus suffering from moral desertification.


If the string section is the heart, HRV is the lead violin, with the ability to influence the tempo of the entire orchestra.

中国历史名人:Guo Moruo郭沫若

In the poem the outpourings of the heart and the rapid tempo of poetic melody fully demonstrated the poet's hurricane-like creative power at work.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(87)

I remember sweat-drenched men dancing the traditional attan in a circle, bouncing, spinning faster and faster with the feverish tempo of the tabla, until all but a few dropped out of the ring with exhaustion.


The tempo of modern civilization has been much quickened in the last twenty years.


The tempo inside the bookstore is slower, as patrons—almost all French—vie for browsing space among the cramped shelves.

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