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英语原版故事:红狐狸历险记 (8)

"What have you been doing now—tearing your clothes on a barbed-wire fence or trying to crawl through a bull-briar thicket?


He no longer stole like a gray shadow from thicket to thicket as he had done when searching for the beautiful stranger with the dainty feet.


Perhaps he would come to the thicket which he knew from the signs the stranger had left only a few moments before.


With the coming of daylight he lay down in a thicket of young hemlock-trees near the upper end of the pond.


Every once in a while he would stop in a thicket of young trees or behind a tangle of fallen trees uprooted by the wind.


So the hunter with the terrible gun walked noiselessly through the Green Forest, stepping with the greatest care to avoid snapping a stick underfoot, searching with keen eye every thicket and likely hiding-place for a glimpse of Lightfoot, and studying the ground for traces to show that Lightfoot had been there.


Grouse, squatting in the thickest bramble-tangle in the Green Forest; of Uncle Billy Possum and Bobby Coon in their hollow trees; of Jerry Muskrat in the Smiling Pool; of Happy Jack Squirrel, hiding in the tree tops; of Lightfoot the Deer, lying in the closest thicket he could find.


John, in visage, in shape, in hue, as unlike the dark, acerb, and caustic little professor, as the fruit of the Hesperides might be unlike the sloe in the wild thicket; as the high-couraged but tractable Arabian is unlike the rude and stubborn "sheltie.


" Johnny Chuck looked over to the alder thicket.


However, after an hour's chase, the hunters had just managed to get hold of a couple lying in a thicket, when cries were heard resounding from the north part of the island, With the cries were mingled terrible yells, in which there was nothing human.


It was a vast thicket of magnificent trees, crowded together as if pressed for room.


But they had not gone half a mile when from a thicket a whole family of quadrupeds, who had made a home there, disturbed by Top, rushed forth into the open country.


Suddenly, a strange concert of discordant voices resounded in the midst of a thicket.


" cried Neb, who ran towards a thicket, in the midst of which the dog had disappeared, barking.


If the light flared again and the click sounded in the bushes, Brownie intended to go right into the thicket and get his picture before anybody else could carry it away with him.


One morning I picked up a newspaper and read an article with big headlines stating that the marshal, with eight deputies and a posse of thirty armed citizens, had the train robbers surrounded in a mesquite thicket on the Cimarron, and that it was a question of only a few hours when they would be dead men or prisoners.

冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第60期:第四章 艾德 (10)

,, His smile was a flash of white teeth in the thicket of the huge black beard.

The wonderful musician

It was not long before a wolf came trotting through the thicket towards him.

Our Lady's Child

One day, when the trees were once more clothed in fresh green, the King of the country was hunting in the forest, and followed a roe, and as it had fled into the thicket which shut in this part of the forest, he got off his horse, tore the bushes asunder, and cut himself a path with his sword.


Will threaded their way through a thicket, , then started up the slope to the low ridge where he had found his vantage point under a sentinel tree.

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