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爱情与金钱-5 Chapter

'Tell me,what happened upstairs?

爱情与金钱-3 Chapter

'Let's go upstairs and tell Uncle Albert and Jackie.

爱情与金钱-2 Chapter

I'm going upstairs to bed.

勃朗特一家的故事-10 玛丽亚

Somewhere upstairs Arthur Nicholls is sleeping quietly.

勃朗特一家的故事-2 考恩桥学校

She lay in bed upstairs for nearly three months,but she was too ill to eat.

五个孩子和沙精-5 最后一个愿望

" And that afternoon,when Mother came home, the children ran to meet her, and put their arms round her— and tried to stop her from going upstairs to her room.

亡灵岛4-The Locked Room 锁着的房间

After breakfast,Iwent back upstairs.

亡灵岛3-The Photograph 照片

Greta Ross was painting inher room upstairs.

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