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He brought out a picture of two curly-headed Italian urchins playing marbles.


His soul palpitating with love of art, he painted the models who hung about the stairway of Bernini in the Piazza de Spagna, undaunted by their obvious picturesqueness; and his studio was full of canvases on which were portrayed moustachioed, large-eyed peasants in peaked hats, urchins in becoming rags, and women in bright petticoats.

离别 Parting Sorrows

The waters of the sea glistened under the setting sun and kept leaping like romping urchins.

安徒生童话英文版:Lucky Peer

There was no godfather there to entice him off for a drive, but there were other allurements three or four small street urchins were down in the gutter, poking about to see what they could find that had been lost or had hidden itself there.

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