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添加时间:2014-07-29 20:53:17 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • Repetition Doesn’t Work: Better Ways to Train Your Memory


    A team of scientists recently discovered that repetition is a terrible way to memorize information—and their findings highlight much better strategies.


    A new study published in Learning and Memory found that simple repetition interferes1 with the ability to learn new information, especially when it is similar to a set of familiar facts. This may mean that memorizing facts about an issue through repetition could interfere2 with the ability to remember a more nuanced version of the same issue later on.


    In study, subjects said a list of objects either one or three times. Later on, in the recall phase, another set of similar objects ("lures3") was snuck in. Those who had seen objects multiple times better recalled the original objects but had a harder time distinguishing the lures. In other words, their memories were stronger but less precise. Over the long run, repetition can be a false temptress, making us think we've learning something when we really haven't.


    Here are a few tips for better memory:


    Pace your studying


    Not all repetition is bad. It's more accurate to say that cramming4 is ineffective. “The better idea is to space repetition. Practice a little bit one day, then put your flashcards away, then take them out the next day, then two days later," explain McDaniel and Roediger.


    Mentally testing yourself on materials generally increases recall days later, even if there's no feedback on how well you actually remember the facts. In other words, just going over the material in your head at regular intervals6 has benefits.


    Within academia, there's a raging debate about the optimal7 spacing between recall intervals. One of the original systems, by foreign language learning icon8 Paul Pimsleur, advocated for a pacing of five seconds, 25 seconds, two minutes, 10 minutes, one hour, five hours, one day, five days, 25 days, four months, and two years after the facts are initially9 learned. Since then, others have found that a slight delay of 10 minutes in the first retrieval made the task just mentally challenging enough to be beneficial. But it depends on the goal; if it's to memorize a speech in a day, you'll probably want to cram5 more intervals than if you want to remember something five years later.


    I've been experimenting with recall intervals one hour after I read material, then again when I'm at the gym, trying to recall facts learned during the previous three days, one week, and one month prior. The optimal intervals will ultimately depend on your schedule.


    Use Loci


    The ancient granddaddy of advanced memory techniques is the method of Loci, which involves placing objects in sequential order in a mentally constructed (imaginary) world. The most famous memory man of all time, Solomon Shereshevsky, who could recall sets of random10 numbers years later, used to imagine himself placing objects near buildings.


    World Memory Champion Dominic O'Brien gives practical tips about developing one's own Loci method. O'Brien advocates using Loci places of familiarity, like the walk down a familiar neighborhood block or location within your own home. So, for instance, if you want to memorize the words "Duck," "Car," and "Boat," you might imagine placing a duck on the living room floor, a car in the bathroom, and a boat on the patio11. For more complicated tasks, it might help to link them together, like imagining a giant duck walking to a car in the bathroom.

    世界记忆冠军多米尼克·奥布赖恩就如何用轨迹记忆法开发自己惊人的记忆力给出几点实用技巧。奥布赖恩提倡使用轨迹记忆法从熟悉的地方入手开始记忆,从如同自家小区里那样熟悉的地方开始进行记忆。所以,例如,如果你想记住“鸭”、“车”、“船”这几个单词("Duck," "Car," and "Boat”),你就想象把一只鸭子在客厅地板上的场景,一辆汽车在浴室的场景、一艘船在院子里的场景。这样的记忆法有助于把较为复杂难记的东西联系在一起进行记忆,像想象一只大鸭子在浴室里走向一辆车的场景。

    Connect the dots


    Understanding is the basis for easier memorization. Chess masters have a much easier time memorizing location of chess pieces than beginners, even though they're recalling the same information.


    In a study published in the Journal of Cognitive12 Neuroscience, researchers found that second-year biology students had an easier time learning new information if it was related to programs they were already studying. "If you don't immediately know the answer to a question, you could first try recalling what you already know about that topic. This might help you to come up with the right answer after all," concludes one of the researchers.


    In other words, the more widely knowledgeable13 we are about a subject, the easier it is to retain and retrieve14 information. So, read books and the news widely. The more you know, the more you'll be able to know.


     9级    英语新闻 


    1 interferes [ˌɪntəˈfiəz] ab8163b252fe52454ada963fa857f890   第7级
    vi. 妨碍,冲突,干涉
    • The noise interferes with my work. 这噪音妨碍我的工作。
    • That interferes with my plan. 那干扰了我的计划。
    2 interfere [ˌɪntəˈfɪə(r)] b5lx0   第7级
    • If we interfere, it may do more harm than good. 如果我们干预的话,可能弊多利少。
    • When others interfere in the affair, it always makes troubles. 别人一卷入这一事件,棘手的事情就来了。
    3 lures [] 43e770a1168e7235f5138d9f36ecd3b5   第7级
    • He left home because of the lures of life in the city. 他离家是由于都市生活的诱惑。
    • Perhaps it is the desire for solitude or the chance of making an unexpected discovery that lures men down to the depths of the earth. 可能正是寻觅幽静的去处,或者找个猎奇的机会的欲望引诱着人们进入地球的深处。
    4 cramming [k'ræmɪŋ] 72a5eb07f207b2ce280314cd162588b7   第8级
    n.塞满,填鸭式的用功v.塞入( cram的现在分词 );填塞;塞满;(为考试而)死记硬背功课
    • Being hungry for the whole morning, I couldn't help cramming myself. 我饿了一上午,禁不住狼吞虎咽了起来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    • She's cramming for her history exam. 她考历史之前临时抱佛脚。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    5 cram [kræm] 6oizE   第8级
    vi. 狼吞虎咽地吃东西;死记硬背功课 vt. 填满,塞满;死记硬背;猛吃 n. 死记硬背;极度拥挤
    • There was such a cram in the church. 教堂里拥挤得要命。
    • The room's full, we can't cram any more people in. 屋里满满的,再也挤不进去人了。
    6 intervals ['ɪntevl] f46c9d8b430e8c86dea610ec56b7cbef   第7级
    n.[军事]间隔( interval的名词复数 );间隔时间;[数学]区间;(戏剧、电影或音乐会的)幕间休息
    • The forecast said there would be sunny intervals and showers. 预报间晴,有阵雨。
    • Meetings take place at fortnightly intervals. 每两周开一次会。
    7 optimal [ˈɒptɪməl] zmDzhM   第9级
    • What is the optimal mix of private and public property rights in natural resources? 私人和国家的自然资源产权的最适宜的组合是什么?
    • Optimal path planning is a key link for the sailing contest. 帆船最优行驶路径规划是帆船比赛取胜的关键环节。
    8 icon [ˈaɪkɒn] JbxxB   第8级
    • They found an icon in the monastery. 他们在修道院中发现了一个圣像。
    • Click on this icon to align or justify text. 点击这个图标使文本排齐。
    9 initially [ɪˈnɪʃəli] 273xZ   第8级
    • The ban was initially opposed by the US. 这一禁令首先遭到美国的反对。
    • Feathers initially developed from insect scales. 羽毛最初由昆虫的翅瓣演化而来。
    10 random [ˈrændəm] HT9xd   第7级
    • The list is arranged in a random order. 名单排列不分先后。
    • On random inspection the meat was found to be bad. 经抽查,发现肉变质了。
    11 patio [ˈpætiəʊ] gSdzr   第10级
    • Suddenly, the thought of my beautiful patio came to mind. I can be quiet out there, I thought. 我又忽然想到家里漂亮的院子,我能够在这里宁静地呆会。
    • They had a barbecue on their patio on Sunday. 星期天他们在院子里进行烧烤。
    12 cognitive [ˈkɒgnətɪv] Uqwz0   第7级
    • As children grow older, their cognitive processes become sharper. 孩子们越长越大,他们的认知过程变得更为敏锐。
    • The cognitive psychologist is like the tinker who wants to know how a clock works. 认知心理学者倒很像一个需要通晓钟表如何运转的钟表修理匠。
    13 knowledgeable [ˈnɒlɪdʒəbl] m2Yxg   第7级
    • He's quite knowledgeable about the theatre. 他对戏剧很有心得。
    • He made some knowledgeable remarks at the meeting. 他在会上的发言颇有见地。
    14 retrieve [rɪˈtri:v] ZsYyp   第7级
    • He was determined to retrieve his honor. 他决心恢复名誉。
    • The men were trying to retrieve weapons left when the army abandoned the island. 士兵们正试图找回军队从该岛撤退时留下的武器。

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