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In late May, National Geographic Travel says that the watering holes start to dry up again, which lures giraffes and black rhinos from their hiding spots.


Facebook wants to increase the time its users spend on the platform: news lures people back to its mobile app more frequently and encourages them to linger there for longer.


Those who had seen objects multiple times better recalled the original objects but had a harder time distinguishing the lures.

安徒生童话英文版:The Will-o’-the-Wisp Is in the Town

Down into the old part of the garden, where the great avenue of wild chestnut trees lures the wanderer to tread its shades, went the man who was in search of the Story; for here the wind had once murmured something to him of "Waldemar Daa and his Daughters.

Big Red

That Christmas I bought Dad a handful of fishing lures from the Five to a Dollar store, wrapped them individually in matchboxes so he'd have plenty of gifts to open from me.

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