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绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 38

I don't believe in girls going to college with the men and cramming their heads full of Latin and Greek and all that nonsense.

开放式办公室不但不能增进合作 还会……

" But since companies can save money on walls, doors, and general floor space by cramming us all together, we're not sure if open plan trends are going away any time soon - so it could be worthwhile to hone your skills on how to minimise distractions at work.


Chinese, Japanese and Korean will remain at 140 characters "because cramming is not an issue in these languages," the company said.


All-nighters, long days in the library, last-minute cramming - it's enough to make any graduate shudder at the memory.


You probably know cramming your feet into tight, overly pointy shoes could lead to agony for your feet.


" The imperial examinations were more important to them than any ants or monk's predictions, and they forgot all about it as they made their way to the capital and did their last minute cramming.


You'll just keep cramming food into yourself until you've eaten too much.


Do not count on last minute cramming right before exams to do well.


Single Cramming Session 3.


After cramming a week's worth of fun and debauchery into a single day, employees would often come into work the next morning hungover or end up taking the whole day off to recuperate.


But given their improved learning outcomes, perhaps a bit of discomfort, aside from last minute cramming, is what they need.


Your clothes are always creased from cramming too many in your wardrobe , 24.


Gaokao from foreigners' perspective Allegedly the world's largest high-stakes test featuring cramming and intense exam preparation, the gaokao has been attracting foreign media attention.


But I suspect that you would be better advised to do what everyone else does, and go on cramming more rubbish into full bins and leave it up to someone else to sort out.


It's a common fear: that any attempt to eat better means somehow downgrading your quality of life, spending hours cramming steamed chicken into endless Tupperware containers and maybe – just maybe – never being able to have a Belgian bun again.

辅导班 Cramming School

Now the kids have to learn many skills when they are starting to go to school, the parents decide the chidren's hobbies, they send their kids to cramming school, some are for learning singing and dancing, others are for making up the lessons.


It's more accurate to say that cramming is ineffective.


After three rigorous years of study, followed by intense cramming for the bar exam, I needed time away from the law.

Light in the Window

She'd packed every thing she needed to take home except the books she was cramming with and her menorah, the 8 branch candelabra that's lit every night of Chanukah.

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