When the Queen was alone, she began to weep bitterly, and said, "Of what use to me are the splendours and honours with which I am surrounded; every morning I awake in pain and sorrow. I had three daughters, the youngest of whom was so beautiful that the whole world looked on her as a wonder. She was as white as snow, as rosy1 as apple-blossom, and her hair as radiant as sun-beams. When she cried, not tears fell from her eyes, but pearls and jewels only. When she was fifteen years old, the King summoned all three sisters to come before his throne. You should have seen how all the people gazed when the youngest entered, it was just as if the sun were rising! Then the King spoke2, 'My daughters, I know not when my last day may arrive; I will to-day decide what each shall receive at my death. You all love me, but the one of you who loves me best, shall fare the best.' Each of them said she loved him best. 'Can you not express to me,' said the King, 'how much you do love me, and thus I shall see what you mean?' The eldest3 spoke, 'I love my father as dearly as the sweetest sugar.' The second, 'I love my father as dearly as my prettiest dress.' But the youngest was silent. Then the father said, 'And thou, my dearest child, how much dost thou love me?' - 'I do not know, and can compare my love with nothing.' But her father insisted that she should name something. So she said at last, 'The best food does not please me without salt, therefore I love my father like salt.' When the King heard that, he fell into a passion, and said, 'If thou lovest me like salt, thy love shall also be repaid thee with salt.' Then he divided the kingdom between the two elder, but caused a sack of salt to be bound on the back of the youngest, and two servants had to lead her forth4 into the wild forest. We all begged and prayed for her," said the Queen, "but the King's anger was not to be appeased5. How she cried when she had to leave us! The whole road was strewn with the pearls which flowed from her eyes. The King soon afterwards repented6 of his great severity, and had the whole forest searched for the poor child, but no one could find her. When I think that the wild beasts have devoured7 her, I know not how to contain myself for sorrow; many a time I console myself with the hope that she is still alive, and may have hidden herself in a cave, or has found shelter with compassionate8 people. But picture to yourself, when I opened your little emerald book, a pearl lay therein, of exactly the same kind as those which used to fall from my daughter's eyes; and then you can also imagine how the sight of it stirred my heart. You must tell me how you came by that pearl." The count told her that he had received it from the old woman in the forest, who had appeared very strange to him, and must be a witch, but he had neither seen nor hear anything of the Queen's child. The King and the Queen resolved to seek out the old woman. They thought that there where the pearl had been, they would obtain news of their daughter.
The old woman was sitting in that lonely place at her spinning-wheel, spinning. It was already dusk, and a log which was burning on the hearth9 gave a scanty10 light. All at once there was a noise outside, the geese were coming home from the pasture, and uttering their hoarse11 cries. Soon afterwards the daughter also entered. But the old woman scarcely thanked her, and only shook her head a little. The daughter sat down beside her, took her spinning-wheel, and twisted the threads as nimbly as a young girl. Thus they both sat for two hours, and exchanged never a word. At last something rustled12 at the window, and two fiery13 eyes peered in. It was an old night-owl, which cried, "Uhu!" three times. The old woman looked up just a little, then she said, "Now, my little daughter, it is time for thee to go out and do thy work."
She rose and went out, and where did she go? Over the meadows ever onward14 into the valley. At last she came to a well, with three old oak-trees standing15 beside it; meanwhile the moon had risen large and round over the mountain, and it was so light that one could have found a needle. She removed a skin which covered her face, then bent16 down to the well, and began to wash herself. When she had finished, she dipped the skin also in the water, and then laid it on the meadow, so that it should bleach17 in the moonlight, and dry again. But how the maiden18 was changed! Such a change as that was never seen before! When the gray mask fell off, her golden hair broke forth like sunbeams, and spread about like a mantle19 over her whole form. Her eyes shone out as brightly as the stars in heaven, and her cheeks bloomed a soft red like apple-blossom.
But the fair maiden was sad. She sat down and wept bitterly. One tear after another forced itself out of her eyes, and rolled through her long hair to the ground. There she sat, and would have remained sitting a long time, if there had not been a rustling20 and cracking in the boughs22 of the neighbouring tree. She sprang up like a roe23 which has been overtaken by the shot of the hunter. Just then the moon was obscured by a dark cloud, and in an instant the maiden had put on the old skin and vanished, like a light blown out by the wind.
She ran back home, trembling like an aspen-leaf. The old woman was standing on the threshold, and the girl was about to relate what had befallen her, but the old woman laughed kindly24, and said, "I already know all." She led her into the room and lighted a new log. She did not, however, sit down to her spinning again, but fetched a broom and began to sweep and scour25, "All must be clean and sweet," she said to the girl. "But, mother," said the maiden, "why do you begin work at so late an hour? What do you expect?" - "Dost thou know then what time it is?" asked the old woman. "Not yet midnight," answered the maiden, "but already past eleven o'clock." - "Dost thou not remember," continued the old woman, "that it is three years to-day since thou camest to me? Thy time is up, we can no longer remain together." The girl was terrified, and said, "Alas26! dear mother, will you cast me off? Where shall I go? I have no friends, and no home to which I can go. I have always done as you bade me, and you have always been satisfied with me; do not send me away." The old woman would not tell the maiden what lay before her. "My stay here is over," she said to her, "but when I depart, house and parlour must be clean: therefore do not hinder me in my work. Have no care for thyself, thou shalt find a roof to shelter thee, and the wages which I will give thee shall also content thee." - "But tell me what is about to happen," the maiden continued to entreat27. "I tell thee again, do not hinder me in my work. Do not say a word more, go to thy chamber28, take the skin off thy face, and put on the silken gown which thou hadst on when thou camest to me, and then wait in thy chamber until I call thee."
But I must once more tell of the King and Queen, who had journeyed forth with the count in order to seek out the old woman in the wilderness29. The count had strayed away from them in the wood by night, and had to walk onwards alone. Next day it seemed to him that he was on the right track. He still went forward, until darkness came on, then he climbed a tree, intending to pass the night there, for he feared that he might lose his way. When the moon illumined the surrounding country he perceived a figure coming down the mountain. She had no stick in her hand, but yet he could see that it was the goose-girl, whom he had seen before in the house of the old woman. "Oho," cried he, "there she comes, and if I once get hold of one of the witches, the other shall not escape me!" But how astonished he was, when she went to the well, took off the skin and washed herself, when her golden hair fell down all about her, and she was more beautiful than any one whom he had ever seen in the whole world. He hardly dared to breathe, but stretched his head as far forward through the leaves as he dared, and stared at her. Either he bent over too far, or whatever the cause might be, the bough21 suddenly cracked, and that very moment the maiden slipped into the skin, sprang away like a roe, and as the moon was suddenly covered, disappeared from his eyes.
Hardly had she disappeared, before the count descended30 from the tree, and hastened after her with nimble steps. He had not been gone long before he saw, in the twilight31, two figures coming over the meadow. It was the King and Queen, who had perceived from a distance the light shining in the old woman's little house, and were going to it. The count told them what wonderful things he had seen by the well, and they did not doubt that it had been their lost daughter. They walked onwards full of joy, and soon came to the little house. The geese were sitting all round it, and had thrust their heads under their wings and were sleeping, and not one of them moved. The King and Queen looked in at the window, the old woman was sitting there quite quietly spinning, nodding her head and never looking round. The room was perfectly32 clean, as if the little mist men, who carry no dust on their feet, lived there. Their daughter, however, they did not see. They gazed at all this for a long time, at last they took heart, and knocked softly at the window. The old woman appeared to have been expecting them; she rose, and called out quite kindly, "Come in, I know you already." When they had entered the room, the old woman said, "You might have spared yourself the long walk, if you had not three years ago unjustly driven away your child, who is so good and lovable. No harm has come to her; for three years she has had to tend the geese; with them she has learnt no evil, but has preserved her purity of heart. You, however, have been sufficiently33 punished by the misery34 in which you have lived." Then she went to the chamber and called, "Come out, my little daughter." Thereupon the door opened, and the princess stepped out in her silken garments, with her golden hair and her shining eyes, and it was as if an angel from heaven had entered.
She went up to her father and mother, fell on their necks and kissed them; there was no help for it, they all had to weep for joy. The young count stood near them, and when she perceived him she became as red in the face as a moss-rose, she herself did not know why. The King said, "My dear child, I have given away my kingdom, what shall I give thee?" - "She needs nothing," said the old woman. "I give her the tears that she has wept on your account; they are precious pearls, finer than those that are found in the sea, and worth more than your whole kingdom, and I give her my little house as payment for her services." When the old woman had said that, she disappeared from their sight. The walls rattled35 a little, and when the King and Queen looked round, the little house had changed into a splendid palace, a royal table had been spread, and the servants were running hither and thither36.
The story goes still further, but my grandmother, who related it to me, had partly lost her memory, and had forgotten the rest. I shall always believe that the beautiful princess married the count, and that they remained together in the palace, and lived there in all happiness so long as God willed it. Whether the snow-white geese, which were kept near the little hut, were verily young maidens37 (no one need take offence), whom the old woman had taken under her protection, and whether they now received their human form again, and stayed as handmaids to the young Queen, I do not exactly know, but I suspect it. This much is certain, that the old woman was no witch, as people thought, but a wise woman, who meant well. Very likely it was she who, at the princess's birth, gave her the gift of weeping pearls instead of tears. That does not happen now-a-days, or else the poor would soon become rich.
众人退下之后,只见王后伤心地哭了起来:"我虽然有享受不尽的荣华富贵,可是那又有什么用呢?我的生活里充满了忧愁和痛苦。我本来有三个女儿,其中最小的那个女儿最美丽,大家都说她美得像个天仙:她的皮肤像雪一样白,她的面庞像花儿一样娇艳,她的满头金发像阳光一样灿烂;她哭泣的时候,从眼睛里流下来的眼泪是一颗颗晶莹美丽的珍珠和宝石。她十五岁那年,国王把三个女儿全都叫到他的面前,你绝对想像不到当她像初升的太阳一般光彩照人地走进来时,在场的那些大臣们有多惊异!这时,国王问她们说,孩子们,我不知道自己什么时候会离你们而去,所以我要在今天决定你们每一个人在我死后能够得到些什么。你们三个都很爱我,但其中最爱我的那个却应得到最好的东西。三个女儿都说自己最爱他。于是国王就问,'你们能告诉我,你们是怎样爱我的吗?这样,我就知道你们是不是真心爱我了。'于是大女儿说,'我爱父亲就像爱最甜的甜点心。'接着,二女儿说,'我爱父亲就像爱我最漂亮的衣服。'可是最小的女儿却沉默不语,国王便问她,'你呢,我最亲爱的孩子,你是怎样爱我的呢?''我不知道,'她回答说,'没有任何东西能与我对你的爱相比。'可国王却坚持要她说,于是她终于说道,'您知道,没有盐,再好的美味佳肴我也不喜欢。所以,我爱父亲就像爱盐一样。'国王听了,非常生气地说,'既然你像爱盐一样爱我,那我就用盐来回报你对我的爱好了。'就这样,他把自己的王国分给了两个大女儿,却让侍从将一袋盐捆在小女儿身上,并命令他们把她扔到荒芜人烟的大森林里去。我们全都替她求情,可是国王还是没有回心转意。"王后哭着继续说道:"当小女儿不得不离开我们的时候,她哭得真伤心啊!整条路上都洒满了她的珍珠眼泪。没过多久,国王因自己这么严厉地惩罚了小女儿而深感后悔,便派人到森林中去寻找那可怜的孩子,可是找遍了整个大森林还是没有见到她的踪影。后来我只要一想到她有可能被野兽吃掉了,我就会伤心得不能自已。有时我又安慰自己,认为她也许还活着,要么藏在哪个山洞里了,要么被什么好心人收养了。可是,当我看到你给我的绿宝石小匣子,看见上面镶嵌着一颗珍珠,且它的形状和从我女儿眼睛里掉出来的珍珠眼泪一模一样的时候,你说我有多激动啊!你一定要告诉我,你是如何得到这颗珍珠的。"于是小伯爵便告诉她自己是从一个住在大森林中的老太婆那儿得到的。 国王和王后听了之后,便决定去寻找那个老太婆,因为他们认为她一定知道小公主的下落。
却说那个老太婆此时正坐在家里的纺车边纺纱织布,此时天已经黑了下来,她脚边的炉子里燃着的一块木炭发出了微弱的亮光。 这时,从远处突然传来一阵嘎嘎嘎的声音,原来是她的鹅群从草地上回来了 ,不一会儿,她的女儿也回来了。 可是老太婆却没怎么搭理她,只是对她点头示了意。 于是女儿便坐到她的身边,从她手中接过纺锤,像个年轻的姑娘一般灵巧地纺起线来。 她们就这样默默地干了两个小时,谁都没说一句话。 这时,她们听到有什么东西在窗外叫着,还看到有两只眼睛在忽闪忽闪地往里瞅着。 原来那是一只老猫头鹰在咕咕咕地叫哩。 于是老太婆抬头看了看天,然后说:
于是,姑娘便走了出去。 她到底要去哪儿呢? 只见她穿过草地然后继续朝前走去,一直走进山谷,最后她来到了三棵老橡树旁的井边。 这时,圆圆的月亮已经悄悄地爬上了山顶,皎洁的月光照在山谷里,一切都是那么明亮,仿佛针儿掉在地上也能找到。 只见她取下脸上的面皮,把头低下在井边洗了起来。 洗完脸后,她又把那张面皮浸到水里,然后再在草地上铺平凉干。 可是你绝对想像不到这个月光下的女孩是什么样子! 只见她那头花白的假辫子掉了下来,一头金发像阳光一样披散在肩头,仿佛像一件外套似的盖住了她的整个身躯。 她的两只眼睛像夜空中的星星一样晶莹剔透,娇嫩的双颊恰似那盛开的花儿。
可是美丽的少女却十分忧伤,她坐到地上,伤心地哭了起来,泪珠一颗颗地落到披散的头发间。 她就这样坐了很久,突然 ,附近的树林里发出了一阵沙沙的声音,她像一头听到猎人枪声的小鹿似的从地上一跃而起。 这时,月亮被一团星云遮住了,一眨眼,那姑娘又重新套上了她的面皮和假发,像一盏被风吹灭了的灯一样骤然消逝在树林之中。
姑娘像一片白杨树叶似的全身颤慄着跑回了家。 那老太婆这时正站在门边,姑娘想把发生的事情告诉她,可是她却笑着说:"我已经全知道了。"老太婆把姑娘带进屋里,然后在火炉里再加上了一块木头,可是她却没有坐到纺车前去,而是拿来一把扫帚,开始打扫屋子。 "一切都要弄得干干净净的才行。"她对姑娘说道。 "可是,妈妈,"姑娘说,"你为什么这么晚才开始干呢?你怎么啦?""你知不知道现在是几点钟?"老太婆问道。 "还没到午夜,"姑娘回答说,"可是已经过了十一点了。""你不记得了吗?你就是三年前的今天到我这儿来的呀!"老太婆继续说道,"你在我这儿的时间已经够久的了,你不能再待在这儿了。"姑娘吃了一惊,问:"唉,亲爱的妈妈,你难道想赶我走吗?你叫我去哪儿呢?我既没有朋友,也没有了家,我能上哪儿去呢?凡是你叫我做的活儿我都做了,你也对我挺满意,别赶我走吧!"老太婆不愿告诉她真正的原因,只是说:"我不再待在这儿了,可我搬走的时候,要把这儿打扫得干干净净的,所以不要妨碍我干活,你也不用担心,你会找到住处的。而且我将要给你的报酬你也会很满意的。""可是请你告诉我,到底会发生什么事呢?"姑娘继续问道。 "我再对你说一遍,不要妨碍我干活。不要再问了,回你的房间去,把脸上的面皮取下来,再穿上你当初来我这儿时穿的那件丝绸衣服,然后呆在你自己的房间里,直到我叫你出来为止。"
却说国王和王后以及小伯爵一起出了王宫,准备到荒野上去找那个老太婆。 夜里,小伯爵在森林里掉了队,只好一个人继续朝前走。 第二天,他才找到了那条上山的路,便不停地朝前赶路,一直走到天黑才爬到一棵树上,准备在那儿过夜。 当月亮出来的时候,他发现了一个人影从山上走了下来,虽然这人的手里没有拿鞭子,可是他却一眼认出这个人就是那个牧鹅女。 "呀,"他差点失声叫了出来,"是她,我刚刚才从一个巫婆的魔掌中逃出来,莫非现在又要落入另一个巫婆的魔掌?"可是,当他看到牧鹅女走到井边取下面皮,一头金色的长发披散在肩上的时候,他大吃了一惊,因为他一生也没见过像她那么美丽的女孩。 他大气都不敢出,却竭力伸长脖子,目不转睛地盯着这个美丽的姑娘。 也许是因为他的身体太往前倾,或是别的什么原因,'喀嚓'一声,一根树枝突然断了下来。 就在这时,只见姑娘飞快地套上面皮和假发,像小鹿似的跳了起来,在月亮被乌云遮住的一刹那,姑娘就在他的眼皮底下消失了。
她刚逃走,他便从树上飞快地跳了下来,紧跟在她身后。 没多久,他便看见夜色中有两个人影穿过草地,原来那是国王和王后。 他们远远地看见了老太婆屋里的亮光 ,便朝着这边走了过来。 这时,伯爵上前把他在井边见到的怪事告诉了他们,他们很快就确认那一定是他们失踪多年的女儿。 于是他们就兴高采烈地朝前走,很快便到了那个有亮光的小屋前。 只见那些鹅蹲成一圈,脑袋全都插进它们的翅膀里在睡觉哩。 他们三人朝窗户里看去,只见那老太婆一个人正坐在屋里纺线,又点了点头,却没有回头看。 屋子里打扫得干干净净,仿佛这儿住的全都是些脚上不会粘上灰尘的小雾人似的。 他们看了好一会儿,却没看见那个姑娘。 于是他们鼓足勇气,轻轻地敲了敲窗户。 这时,那个好像是一直在等着他们的老太婆站了起来,非常和蔼地说:"只管进来好了,我早就知道你们来了。"于是,他们走了进去,那老太婆又说:"要是你们三年前不把自己善良可爱的孩子赶出家门,那今天也不用走这么远的路了。只是她在这儿对她也没什么坏处,因为三年来,她只管放鹅,因此她那小小的心灵并没受到什么创伤,倒是你们却一直生活在焦虑不安之中,得到了应有的惩罚。"说完,她便走到另一扇门前,大声说:"出来吧,我的女儿。"这时,门儿打开了,从里面走出来一位身着袍子的美丽姑娘。 只见她一头金发披散在肩头,两只眼睛扑闪扑闪的,恰似一位下凡的仙女。
她朝着自己的父母走去,搂住他们不停地亲吻着,大家全都高兴得哭了起来。 这时,姑娘看见了站在他们身旁的这位年轻的伯爵,她的脸儿就像原野上那羞答答地绽开着的玫瑰。 这时,国王说:"亲爱的孩子,我的王国已经给了你的两个姐姐,我该拿什么送给你呢?""她什么都不需要,"老太婆说道,"我要把她为你们流的眼泪还给她,那全是一颗颗比从海里采撷出来的珍珠还要美、比你的整个王国还更珍贵的宝贝。还有,我要把这间小屋留给她,作为她在这儿放鹅的报酬。"话音刚落,那个老太婆便在他们面前消失了。 这时,他们听见四周的墙壁正在嘎嘎作,转头一看,原来这间小屋已变成了一座华丽的宫殿,御膳桌也已摆好,还有许多仆人正在忙着上菜哩!
故事到这儿还没完,可是给我讲这个故事的祖母已经记不清楚后面的情节了。 可我总认为,美丽的公主一定和伯爵结了婚,他们一定住在那座宫殿里,过着美满幸福的生活,一直到老。 而当初在小屋前饲养的那群小白鹅,是否是那些被老太太收养的少女--她们现在有没有恢复人形,并留在年轻的王后身边当侍女,我都不清楚,可是我想一定是这样的。 不过有一点是确信无疑的,那就是那个老太太不是人们所说的老巫婆,而是一位好心肠的女术士,并且让公主一生下来,哭出来的就不是眼泪,而是一颗颗珍珠的人,也多半是这位老太太。
rosy [ˈrəʊzi]
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adj.美好的,乐观的,玫瑰色的 | |
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spoke [spəʊk]
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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eldest [ˈeldɪst]
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adj.最年长的,最年老的 | |
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forth [fɔ:θ]
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adv.向前;向外,往外 | |
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appeased [əˈpi:zd]
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安抚,抚慰( appease的过去式和过去分词 ); 绥靖(满足另一国的要求以避免战争) | |
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repented [rɪˈpentid]
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对(自己的所为)感到懊悔或忏悔( repent的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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devoured [diˈvauəd]
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吞没( devour的过去式和过去分词 ); 耗尽; 津津有味地看; 狼吞虎咽地吃光 | |
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compassionate [kəmˈpæʃənət]
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adj.有同情心的,表示同情的 | |
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hearth [hɑ:θ]
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n.壁炉炉床,壁炉地面 | |
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scanty [ˈskænti]
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adj.缺乏的,仅有的,节省的,狭小的,不够的 | |
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hoarse [hɔ:s]
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adj.嘶哑的,沙哑的 | |
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rustled [ˈrʌsld]
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v.发出沙沙的声音( rustle的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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fiery [ˈfaɪəri]
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adj.燃烧着的,火红的;暴躁的;激烈的 | |
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onward [ˈɒnwəd]
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adj.向前的,前进的;adv.向前,前进,在先 | |
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standing [ˈstændɪŋ]
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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bent [bent]
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n.爱好,癖好;adj.弯的;决心的,一心的;v.(使)弯曲,屈身(bend的过去式和过去分词) | |
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bleach [bli:tʃ]
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vt.使漂白;vi.变白;n.漂白剂 | |
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maiden [ˈmeɪdn]
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n.少女,处女;adj.未婚的,纯洁的,无经验的 | |
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mantle [ˈmæntl]
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n.斗篷,覆罩之物,罩子;vt.&vi.罩住,覆盖,脸红 | |
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rustling [ˈrʌslɪŋ]
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n. 瑟瑟声,沙沙声 adj. 发沙沙声的 | |
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bough [baʊ]
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n.大树枝,主枝 | |
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boughs [baʊz]
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大树枝( bough的名词复数 ) | |
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roe [rəʊ]
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n.鱼卵;獐鹿 | |
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kindly [ˈkaɪndli]
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adj.和蔼的,温和的,爽快的;adv.温和地,亲切地 | |
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scour [ˈskaʊə(r)]
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vi. 冲刷;擦;腹泻 vt. 擦亮,洗涤;冲洗,清除 n. 擦,冲刷;洗涤剂 | |
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alas [əˈlæs]
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int.唉(表示悲伤、忧愁、恐惧等) | |
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entreat [ɪnˈtri:t]
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vt.&vi.恳求,恳请 | |
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chamber [ˈtʃeɪmbə(r)]
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n.房间,寝室;会议厅;议院;会所 | |
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wilderness [ˈwɪldənəs]
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n.杳无人烟的一片陆地、水等,荒漠 | |
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descended [di'sendid]
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a.为...后裔的,出身于...的 | |
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twilight [ˈtwaɪlaɪt]
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n.暮光,黄昏;暮年,晚期,衰落时期 | |
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perfectly [ˈpɜ:fɪktli]
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adv.完美地,无可非议地,彻底地 | |
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sufficiently [sə'fɪʃntlɪ]
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adv.足够地,充分地 | |
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misery [ˈmɪzəri]
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n.痛苦,苦恼,苦难;悲惨的境遇,贫苦 | |
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rattled ['rætld]
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慌乱的,恼火的 | |
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