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He now walked to Miss Garth's work-table, opened a book which lay there and read the title aloud with pompous emphasis as if he were offering it for sale: "'Anne of Geierstein' (pronounced Jeersteen) or the 'Maiden of the Mist, by the author of Waverley.


Casaubon and her wifely relation, now that she was married to him, was gradually changing with the secret motion of a watch-hand from what it had been in her maiden dream.


In fact, much the same sort of movement and mixture went on in old England as we find in older Herodotus, who also, in telling what had been, thought it well to take a woman's lot for his starting-point; though Io, as a maiden apparently beguiled by attractive merchandise, was the reverse of Miss Brooke, and in this respect perhaps bore more resemblance to Rosamond Vincy, who had excellent taste in costume, with that nymph-like figure and pure blondness which give the largest range to choice in


Miss Brooke, however, was not again seen by either of these gentlemen under her maiden name.


This hope was not unmixed with the glow of proud delight—the joyous maiden surprise that she was chosen by the man whom her admiration had chosen.


Bobbie was his lieutenant, his band of trusty robbers, and, in due course, the parent of Phyllis, who was the captured maiden for whom a magnificent ransom—in horse-beans—was unhesitatingly paid.

绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 35

With the "rose-red" girl, Stella Maynard, and the "dream girl," Priscilla Grant, she soon became intimate, finding the latter pale spiritual-looking maiden to be full to the brim of mischief and pranks and fun, while the vivid, black-eyed Stella had a heartful of wistful dreams and fancies, as aerial and rainbow-like as Anne's own.


The rustle of the poplar leaves about the house worried her, it sounded so like pattering raindrops, and the full, faraway roar of the gulf, to which she listened delightedly at other times, loving its strange, sonorous, haunting rhythm, now seemed like a prophecy of storm and disaster to a small maiden who particularly wanted a fine day.


Academics at the University of Toronto in Canada say their study proves the fair maiden of myth has a basis in scientific reality.


Hardship and suffering made her poetic style widely different from earlier works, which mainly deliver the maiden naivety and the subtle feelings of parting with her husband, or her passion with mother nature and her love of plants and pets.


Having recently split up with his girlfriend, fashion mogul Maezawa has launched an online appeal for a female "life partner" to accompany him on SpaceX's maiden tourist voyage — a slingshot trip around the moon tentatively scheduled for 2023.

英语美文:I will laugh at the world

To enjoy success I must have happiness, and laughter will be the maiden who serves me.


And the other half, she would be her beautiful maiden self.


I continued my role of a fool, clinched to my maiden pride, yet secretly indulged in your promise of the white land -- snow measuring down to us, in your arms I am lifted up.


I continued my role of a fool, clinched to my maiden pride, yet secretly indulged in your promise of the white land -- snow measuring down to us, in your arms I am lifted up.

一脸无奈! 6岁小男孩邀32名同学庆生却无人参加!

The Titanic II is making its maiden voyage in 2022 after its production was halted due to financial constraints.

敢坐吗? 泰坦尼克2号将于2022年下水启航

The Titanic II is making its maiden voyage in 2022 after its production was halted due to financial constraints.


The $500 million ship, which will be built in China, is set to make its maiden voyage from Dubai to Southhampton, U.


OneSpace Technology, China's first private rocket producer, announced last Tuesday in Chongqing the maiden launch of the company's OS-X0 solid-fuel rocket is set to take place on May 17 in a test field in northwest China.

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