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Such being the bent of Celia's heart, it was inevitable that Sir James should consent to a reconciliation with Dorothea and her husband.


" cried Mary, putting her hands round her father's neck, while he bent his head placidly, willing to be caressed.


He sat with his eyes bent down, and as she went towards him she thought he looked smaller—he seemed so withered and shrunken.


Will Ladislaw's mind was now wholly bent on seeing Dorothea again, and forthwith quitting Middlemarch.


Bulstrode's narrative occasionally gave of his early bent towards religion, his inclination to be a preacher, and his association with missionary and philanthropic efforts.


Bambridge was bent on buying, and he appeared to like looking inside it frequently, as a foretaste of its possession.


As to Captain Lydgate himself, his low brow, his aquiline nose bent on one side, and his rather heavy utterance, might have been disadvantageous in any young gentleman who had not a military bearing and mustache to give him what is doted on by some flower-like blond heads as "style.


She was knitting, and could either look at Fred or not, as she chose—always an advantage when one is bent on loading speech with salutary meaning; and though Mrs.


She was vexed and disappointed, but she was bent on abstaining from useless words.


Ladislaw has told me the reason—dislike of the bent he took, you know—Ladislaw didn't think much of Casaubon's notions, Thoth and Dagon—that sort of thing: and I fancy that Casaubon didn't like the independent position Ladislaw had taken up.


She was soon walking round the grass plots with Lydgate, and her feelings recovered the strong bent which had made her seek for this interview.


Casaubon slowly receding with his hands behind him according to his habit, and his head bent forward.


) The same sort of temptation befell the Christian Carnivora who formed Peter Featherstone's funeral procession; most of them having their minds bent on a limited store which each would have liked to get the most of.


In any case, he had been bent on having a handsome funeral, and on having persons "bid" to it who would rather have stayed at home.


Marriage, like religion and erudition, nay, like authorship itself, was fated to become an outward requirement, and Edward Casaubon was bent on fulfilling unimpeachably all requirements.


Fred was subtle, and did not tell his friends that he was going to Houndsley bent on selling his horse: he wished to get indirectly at their genuine opinion of its value, not being aware that a genuine opinion was the last thing likely to be extracted from such eminent critics.


Casaubon, might have remained longer unfelt by Dorothea if she had been encouraged to pour forth her girlish and womanly feeling—if he would have held her hands between his and listened with the delight of tenderness and understanding to all the little histories which made up her experience, and would have given her the same sort of intimacy in return, so that the past life of each could be included in their mutual knowledge and affection—or if she could have fed her affection with those childli


He was one of the rarer lads who early get a decided bent and make up their minds that there is something particular in life which they would like to do for its own sake, and not because their fathers did it.


" Lydgate smiled, but he was bent on being circumspect.


He had his half-century before him instead of behind him, and he had come to Middlemarch bent on doing many things that were not directly fitted to make his fortune or even secure him a good income.

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