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美剧:《小公子方特洛伊 7》

" inquired his lordship, devoured by curiosity.


" This was true; for old Featherstone had not been a Harpagon whose passions had all been devoured by the ever-lean and ever-hungry passion of saving, and who would drive a bargain with his undertaker beforehand.


He ate with appetite, but was indifferent to what he ate; to him it was only food that he devoured to still the pangs of hunger; and when no food was to be had he seemed capable of doing without.


He increased his pace, and as the car devoured the street and leapt forth on the high road through the open country, he was only conscious that he was Toad once more, Toad at his best and highest, Toad the terror, the traffic-queller, the Lord of the lone trail, before whom all must give way or be smitten into nothingness and everlasting night.


They had analyzed and parsed it and torn it to pieces in general until it was a wonder there was any meaning at all left in it for them, but at least the fair lily maid and Lancelot and Guinevere and King Arthur had become very real people to them, and Anne was devoured by secret regret that she had not been born in Camelot.


When the last crisp slice of bacon was gone, and the last allowance of corn pone devoured, the boys stretched themselves out on the grass, filled with contentment.


I devoured books where wizards and warriors battled the powers of darkness in strange worlds.


But performance artist David Datuna pulled it from the wall, peeled it and devoured it on Saturday.


In the end, he is destroyed by his own strength, devoured by his own hunger, impoverished by his own wealth.


They went past small villages and burgeoning housing developments, past abandoned apple orchards, back to where trees and brush have devoured old homesteads.

Man’s Youth 别样的青春

In the end, he is destroyed by his own strength, devoured by his own hunger, impoverished by his own wealth.

真大胃王! 土耳其弱女子23分钟吃掉255串羊肉串!

The 21-year-old student also devoured a side salad, some bread, three glasses of Turkish yoghurt drinks and two glasses of water.


I devoured books where wizards and warriors battled the powers of darkness in strange worlds.


The only time I deviated from this was when I ate out, which happened twice that week, where I devoured greasy carb-laden foods.

万物简史 第4期:引言(4)

Not one of your pertinent ancestors was squashed, devoured, drowned, starved, stranded, stuck fast, ,,,,,, untimely wounded, or otherwise deflected from its life's quest of delivering a tiny charge of genetic material to the right partner at the right moment ,, in order to perpetuate the only possible sequence of hereditary combinations that could result-eventually, astoundingly, and all too briefly-in you.


Children of this type of parents are treated with great affection, but never mangled, devoured, or deluged With sentimentality.

The wolf and the seven young kids

thought she, can it be that my poor children that he devoured for his evening meal are still alive?

Our Lady's Child

Next morning, when this child also had disappeared, the people declared quite loudly that the Queen had devoured it, and the King's councillors demanded that she should be brought to justice.

Cat and mouse in partnership

However, the cat crept behind the town wall to the church, and devoured half the pot of fat.


After being ground, the food is pumped into glass containers in the plant through a pipe, then devoured by millions of cockroaches.

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