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当前位置:首页 -> 12级英语阅读 - > 注意!这8个日常习惯正在偷偷地伤害你的眼睛
添加时间:2018-10-31 08:17:43 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • 据世界卫生组织报道,全球约有2.53亿人患有各种视力障碍。其实,只要保持健康的卫生习惯,80%的眼病是可以预防或治愈的。下面这些日常习惯要尽量避免,因为你的眼睛会在不知不觉中受到伤害。

    1. Your daily swim


    Swimming is hugely beneficial for your cardiovascular system but if you're not wearing goggles1, your eyes might be suffering, especially if you're a contact lens wearer and you open your eyes underwater.


    'The water in pools, rivers and the sea, or even the shower can leave your eyes vulnerable to bacterial2 infection,' warns Vision Direct optometrist4 Brendan O' Brien.

    英国隐形眼镜网店Vision Direct验光师布兰登·奥布赖恩警告说:“泳池、河流和大海中的水,甚至是洗澡水都会让眼睛容易受到细菌感染。”

    'The microorganism acanthamoeba lives in water and can cause serious damage if it gets into your eye'.


    'Wearing contact lenses makes us more vulnerable because the bacteria attaches to the lens and can cause the surface of your eye to become inflamed5 and eventually infected,' says O'Brien.


    Contact lenses will also naturally absorb any water around them, which could change their shape dramatically. This will make them uncomfortable to wear, often causing your vision to become distorted and blurry6.


    If you really must wear your lenses in the pool stick to daily disposables along with waterproof7 swimming goggles, or better still invest in a pair of prescription8 goggles which will help you see clearly without water coming in direct contact with your eyes.


    2. Your out of date mascara


    You know how your mascara gets all clumpy after three or four months, but you don't want to buy a new one because that stuff is pricey?


    Well, it's time to cull9 your make-up bag of all out of date eye make-up, especially mascara, yes even your favorite Chanel one you bought in 2016.


    Mascara can harbor bacteria which can cause infections leading to redness, light sensitivity and irritation10 and, in rare cases, even blindness. Liquid liner and mascara have a shelf life of around three months once opened.


    Unopened, well-formulated cosmetics11 can remain stable for a couple of years.


    What's more, eye make-up applied12 inside the eyeline, such as eyeliner, can increase the risk of eye infection, according to research from the University of Waterloo published in the peer-reviewed journal.


    The research by the scientist Dr Alison Ng found that contact lens wearers were more vulnerable to infection from eye make-up. Dr Ng recommends preventing bacterial transfer by sharpening eye pencils thoroughly13 before each use.


    Similarly, false eyelashes could put your eyes at risk. According to experts, false eyelashes are a hygiene15 risk because they tend to trap dirt and bacteria, while poor quality, unhygienic lashes14 increase the risk, so it's important to find a reputable beautician.


    3. Skipping your annual eye test


    'An eye test can turn up health problems like diabetes16, glaucoma and high blood pressure, all of which can lead to serious eye problems and even blindness if left unchecked,' says O'Brien.


    Even arthritis17 which causes joint inflammation can be spotted18 with an eye test, because the inflammation also turns up in the eye and will eventually attack the eye too if left untreated.


    'Most optometrists19 recommended taking an eye test every two years, unless you have eye issues or are over 70, in which case, a test every 12 months is best to catch any health problems early,' says O'Brien.


    'Children up to the age of 16 should be tested annually20 too, according to the College of Optometrists, as children's vision can change very rapidly at this stage of their lives.'


    4. Staring at your smartphone


    Staring at your smartphone or computer screen or TV for hours on end is not good for your eye health, says research by the University of Toledo, published in Scientific Reports.


    That's because these screens emit blue light which is absorbed by vital cells in the eye's retina triggering toxic21 chemicals, which can eventually kill the photoreceptors we need for vision. And the older you get the more vulnerable you are.


    The study's lead researcher Dr Ajith Karunarathne, an assistant professor in the UT department of chemistry and biochemistry says we shouldn't be checking phones and tablets in the dark, because this can dilate22 the pupils making them more vulnerable to damage.

    该研究的首席研究员、托雷多大学化学和生物化学部的助理教授阿吉斯·卡鲁那拉斯尼医生说, 我们不应该在黑暗中看手机和平板电脑,因为这样会让瞳孔放大,眼睛更容易受到蓝光损害。

    Dr Karunarathne explains wearing glasses with an anti-glare coating that filters blue light, or adding a blue light filter screen to your phone or computer.


    5. That casual smoking habit


    We hardly need to say it: smoking is BAD, but few of us realize it damages our eyes. 'Smoking increases risk of cataracts23 and age related macular degeneration (AMD), which is a common condition that affects the middle part of your vision. In fact, AMD is Britain's leading cause of sight loss.


    'AMD occurs when the small central portion of the retina, known as the macula, deteriorates24 and is the major cause of blindness in the over fifties, ' says O' Brien.


    Risk of AMD doubles with smoking over fifty, says one British study published in The British Journal of Ophthalmology. So that's another reason to sign up for Stoptober.


    6. Forgetting to wear sunglasses


    You might think your sunnies are no longer needed now that the dark nights are closing in. Not so says O'Brien. UV is still an issue on overcast25 winter days.


    'Although the UV count is typically higher on sunnier days, it is important to bear in mind that up to 80% of UV radiation can penetrate26 cloud, meaning that forgetting to wear sunglasses on an overcast day can still damage your eyes,' says O'Brien.


    'That means it's just as good an idea to pop on a pair of shades on a sunny December morning as it is on a hot July afternoon.'


    But don't think just because your glasses are dark tinted28 they offer ultra violet protection. 'The tint27 of a sunglasses lens has no effect on UV protection,' says O'Brien.


    'While wearing darker lenses means that less light will enter your eye and will help you see better, the same amount of UV is blocked as if you were wearing shades with a lighter29 tint.'


    And unless your sunglasses are offering good UV coverage30, the tint means they will dilate your pupils and allow more UV light in than normal, so it's potentially worse than going without sunglasses if your glasses aren't up to scratch.


    The message? Don't fall for those designer look-alikes, unless you can verify their UV credentials31. 'Look for a CE mark (a European standard of UV protection),' says O'Brien.


    Look for styles that fit close to your face and don't let light in at the side and if you're a contacts wearer opt3 for brands like Acuvue with UV filters included or remember to wear sunglasses with your contact lenses.


    Warning: Your eyes are even more susceptible32 to burning than your skin. As it's harder to tell when your eyes are getting burnt than it is when your skin starts turning red, it's easy to end up doing lasting33 damage to your eyes without knowing.


    Frequent exposure to UV can lead to the development of eye conditions such as cataracts and AMD which can impair34 sight and even cause partial or total blindness.


    Indeed, one systematic35 review published in 2014 of scientific research on the subject found that sunlight exposure to eyes was a key risk factor in the development of AMD.


    7. Your fan


    Leaving a fan running all night can increase irritation and dry eyes for contact lens wearers. Why? Because fans blow allergens like dust or pollen36 towards your eyes as you sleep, so that when you insert your lenses in the morning these deposits cause irritation and discomfort37.


    The fix? Thoroughly dust bedroom surfaces, including the fan blades and keep a bottle of contact lens solution handy to cleanse38 your lenses to remove any impurities39.


    Consider setting a timer on your fan, so it switches off shortly after you doze40 off and wear a sleep mask, so your eyes are protected.


    8. Over-using eye drops


    While it's tempting41 to reach for the eye drops rather than put up with looking like a pink-eyed bunny, you can have too much of a good thing, say experts, as plenty of eye drops can lead to a rebound42 effect.


    Rebound redness results because the blood vessels43 in the eye dilate as the effects of the medication in the drops wears off, creating a vicious circle. What should we do instead? 'Try to pinpoint44 the cause and deal with it, ' says O'Brien.


    If, for example, your eyes are dry due to cold winter weather and central heating, invest in a humidifier and try not to sit too close to a radiator45.


    Rehydrate by drinking lots of water and eat plenty of foods rich in A, C and E vitamins and omega-3 fats, like salmon46. And when the wind starts whistling, don your sunglasses to protect your eyes from the biting cold.


    How often you can use eye drops safely will depend on the type, says O' Brien.


    'There are two types: eye drops with preservatives47 and preservative-free eye drops. Eye drops that contain preservatives have a longer shelf life. The preservatives are chemicals that prevent bacteria from growing. This allows you to use one bottle of eye drops for a length of time.


    'However, the preservatives in OTC eye drops cause eye irritation to become worse. Eye specialists typically recommend that you use this type of eye drop no more than four times a day.' Preservative-free eye drops are best for those with sensitive eyes.


     12级    双语 


    1 goggles [ˈgɒglz] hsJzYP   第11级
    • Skiers wear goggles to protect their eyes from the sun. 滑雪者都戴上护目镜使眼睛不受阳光伤害。
    • My swimming goggles keep steaming up so I can't see. 我的护目镜一直有水雾,所以我看不见。
    2 bacterial [bæk'tiriəl] dy5z8q   第7级
    • Bacterial reproduction is accelerated in weightless space. 在失重的空间,细菌繁殖加快了。
    • Brain lesions can be caused by bacterial infections. 大脑损伤可能由细菌感染引起。
    3 opt [ɒpt] a4Szv   第7级
    • They opt for more holiday instead of more pay. 他们选择了延长假期而不是增加工资。
    • Will individual schools be given the right to opt out of the local school authority? 各个学校可能有权选择退出地方教育局吗?
    4 optometrist [ɒpˈtɒmətrɪst] 10tyI   第8级
    • Where can I find a good optometrist? 我在哪里能找一个好的验光师呢?
    • If you need glasses, you should see an optometrist. 若是你要配眼镜,你要找去验光师。
    5 inflamed [ɪnˈfleɪmd] KqEz2a   第9级
    adj.发炎的,红肿的v.(使)变红,发怒,过热( inflame的过去式和过去分词 )
    • His comments have inflamed teachers all over the country. 他的评论激怒了全国教师。
    • Her joints are severely inflamed. 她的关节严重发炎。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    6 blurry [ˈblɜ:rɪ] blurry   第7级
    • My blurry vision makes it hard to drive. 我的视力有点模糊,使得开起车来相当吃力。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    • The lines are pretty blurry at this point. 界线在这个时候是很模糊的。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    7 waterproof [ˈwɔ:təpru:f] Ogvwp   第7级
    • My mother bought me a waterproof watch. 我妈妈给我买了一块防水手表。
    • All the electronics are housed in a waterproof box. 所有电子设备都储放在一个防水盒中。
    8 prescription [prɪˈskrɪpʃn] u1vzA   第7级
    • The physician made a prescription against sea-sickness for him. 医生给他开了个治晕船的药方。
    • The drug is available on prescription only. 这种药只能凭处方购买。
    9 cull [kʌl] knlzn   第12级
    • It is usually good practice to cull the poorest prior to field planting. 通常在实践上的好方法是在出圃栽植前挑出最弱的苗木。
    • Laura was passing around photographs she'd culled from the albums at home. 劳拉正在分发她从家里相册中挑选出的相片。
    10 irritation [ˌɪrɪ'teɪʃn] la9zf   第9级
    • He could not hide his irritation that he had not been invited. 他无法掩饰因未被邀请而生的气恼。
    • Barbicane said nothing, but his silence covered serious irritation. 巴比康什么也不说,但是他的沉默里潜伏着阴郁的怒火。
    11 cosmetics [kɔz'metiks] 5v8zdX   第7级
    • We sell a wide range of cosmetics at a very reasonable price. 我们以公道的价格出售各种化妆品。
    • Cosmetics do not always cover up the deficiencies of nature. 化妆品未能掩饰天生的缺陷。
    12 applied [əˈplaɪd] Tz2zXA   第8级
    • She plans to take a course in applied linguistics. 她打算学习应用语言学课程。
    • This cream is best applied to the face at night. 这种乳霜最好晚上擦脸用。
    13 thoroughly [ˈθʌrəli] sgmz0J   第8级
    • The soil must be thoroughly turned over before planting. 一定要先把土地深翻一遍再下种。
    • The soldiers have been thoroughly instructed in the care of their weapons. 士兵们都系统地接受过保护武器的训练。
    14 lashes [læʃiz] e2e13f8d3a7c0021226bb2f94d6a15ec   第7级
    n.鞭挞( lash的名词复数 );鞭子;突然猛烈的一击;急速挥动v.鞭打( lash的第三人称单数 );煽动;紧系;怒斥
    • Mother always lashes out food for the children's party. 孩子们聚会时,母亲总是给他们许多吃的。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    • Never walk behind a horse in case it lashes out. 绝对不要跟在马后面,以防它突然猛踢。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    15 hygiene [ˈhaɪdʒi:n] Kchzr   第8级
    n.健康法,卫生学 (a.hygienic)
    • Their course of study includes elementary hygiene and medical theory. 他们的课程包括基础卫生学和医疗知识。
    • He's going to give us a lecture on public hygiene. 他要给我们作关于公共卫生方面的报告。
    16 diabetes [ˌdaɪəˈbi:ti:z] uPnzu   第9级
    • In case of diabetes, physicians advise against the use of sugar. 对于糖尿病患者,医生告诫他们不要吃糖。
    • Diabetes is caused by a fault in the insulin production of the body. 糖尿病是由体內胰岛素分泌失调引起的。
    17 arthritis [ɑ:ˈθraɪtɪs] XeyyE   第9级
    • Rheumatoid arthritis has also been linked with the virus. 风湿性关节炎也与这种病毒有关。
    • He spent three months in the hospital with acute rheumatic arthritis. 他患急性风湿性关节炎,在医院住了三个月。
    18 spotted [ˈspɒtɪd] 7FEyj   第8级
    • The milkman selected the spotted cows, from among a herd of two hundred. 牛奶商从一群200头牛中选出有斑点的牛。
    • Sam's shop stocks short spotted socks. 山姆的商店屯积了有斑点的短袜。
    19 optometrists [ɔpˈtɔmitrists] 32e19bc39d6eec5c32b2bda8e27f1918   第8级
    n.验光师,视力测定者( optometrist的名词复数 )
    • It's been proven by the greatest optometrists. 这可是最伟大的配镜师验证肯定了的。 来自辞典例句
    • Don't worry, Miss. We have qualified optometrists here an eye test now. 这个好些,我想把镜片也换上,可惜没有带视力记录来。 来自互联网
    20 annually [ˈænjuəli] VzYzNO   第9级
    • Many migratory birds visit this lake annually. 许多候鸟每年到这个湖上作短期逗留。
    • They celebrate their wedding anniversary annually. 他们每年庆祝一番结婚纪念日。
    21 toxic [ˈtɒksɪk] inSwc   第7级
    • The factory had accidentally released a quantity of toxic waste into the sea. 这家工厂意外泄漏大量有毒废物到海中。
    • There is a risk that toxic chemicals might be blasted into the atmosphere. 爆炸后有毒化学物质可能会进入大气层。
    22 dilate [daɪˈleɪt] YZdzp   第8级
    • At night, the pupils dilate to allow in more light. 到了晚上,瞳孔就会扩大以接收更多光线。
    • Exercise dilates blood vessels on the surface of the brain. 运动会使大脑表层的血管扩张。
    23 cataracts ['kætərækts] a219fc2c9b1a7afeeb9c811d4d48060a   第9级
    n.大瀑布( cataract的名词复数 );白内障
    • The rotor cataracts water over the top of the machines. 回转轮将水从机器顶上注入。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
    • Cataracts of rain flooded the streets. 倾盆大雨弄得街道淹水。 来自辞典例句
    24 deteriorates [diˈtiəriəreits] b30c21764ac9925504e84b9cba3f7902   第7级
    恶化,变坏( deteriorate的第三人称单数 )
    • After a few years' planting, the quality of the potato crop deteriorates. 土豆种了几年之后就会退化。
    • Virus activity deteriorates in plasma stored at room temperature. 在室温下储藏的血浆中病毒活动逐渐衰退。
    25 overcast [ˌəʊvəˈkɑ:st] cJ2xV   第10级
    • The overcast and rainy weather found out his arthritis. 阴雨天使他的关节炎发作了。
    • The sky is overcast with dark clouds. 乌云满天。
    26 penetrate [ˈpenɪtreɪt] juSyv   第7级
    • Western ideas penetrate slowly through the East. 西方观念逐渐传入东方。
    • The sunshine could not penetrate where the trees were thickest. 阳光不能透入树木最浓密的地方。
    27 tint [tɪnt] ZJSzu   第9级
    • You can't get up that naturalness and artless rosy tint in after days. 你今后不再会有这种自然和朴实无华的红润脸色。
    • She gave me instructions on how to apply the tint. 她告诉我如何使用染发剂。
    28 tinted [tɪntid] tinted   第9级
    adj. 带色彩的 动词tint的过去式和过去分词
    • a pair of glasses with tinted lenses 一副有色镜片眼镜
    • a rose-tinted vision of the world 对世界的理想化看法
    29 lighter [ˈlaɪtə(r)] 5pPzPR   第8级
    • The portrait was touched up so as to make it lighter. 这张画经过润色,色调明朗了一些。
    • The lighter works off the car battery. 引燃器利用汽车蓄电池打火。
    30 coverage [ˈkʌvərɪdʒ] nvwz7v   第8级
    • There's little coverage of foreign news in the newspaper. 报纸上几乎没有国外新闻报道。
    • This is an insurance policy with extensive coverage. 这是一项承保范围广泛的保险。
    31 credentials [krəˈdenʃlz] credentials   第8级
    • He has long credentials of diplomatic service. 他的外交工作资历很深。
    • Both candidates for the job have excellent credentials. 此项工作的两个求职者都非常符合资格。
    32 susceptible [səˈseptəbl] 4rrw7   第7级
    • Children are more susceptible than adults. 孩子比成人易受感动。
    • We are all susceptible to advertising. 我们都易受广告的影响。
    33 lasting [ˈlɑ:stɪŋ] IpCz02   第7级
    • The lasting war debased the value of the dollar. 持久的战争使美元贬值。
    • We hope for a lasting settlement of all these troubles. 我们希望这些纠纷能获得永久的解决。
    34 impair [ɪmˈpeə(r)] Ia4x2   第7级
    • Loud noise can impair your hearing. 巨大的噪音有损听觉。
    • It can not impair the intellectual vigor of the young. 这不能磨灭青年人思想活力。
    35 systematic [ˌsɪstəˈmætɪk] SqMwo   第7级
    • The way he works isn't very systematic. 他的工作不是很有条理。
    • The teacher made a systematic work of teaching. 这个教师进行系统的教学工作。
    36 pollen [ˈpɒlən] h1Uzz   第9级
    • Hummingbirds have discovered that nectar and pollen are very nutritious. 蜂鸟发现花蜜和花粉是很有营养的。
    • He developed an allergy to pollen. 他对花粉过敏。
    37 discomfort [dɪsˈkʌmfət] cuvxN   第8级
    • One has to bear a little discomfort while travelling. 旅行中总要忍受一点不便。
    • She turned red with discomfort when the teacher spoke. 老师讲话时她不好意思地红着脸。
    38 cleanse [klenz] 7VoyT   第9级
    • Health experts are trying to cleanse the air in cities. 卫生专家们正设法净化城市里的空气。
    • Fresh fruit juices can also cleanse your body and reduce dark circles. 新鲜果汁同样可以清洁你的身体,并对黑眼圈同样有抑制作用。
    39 impurities [ɪm'pjʊərɪtɪs] 2626a6dbfe6f229f6e1c36f702812675   第8级
    不纯( impurity的名词复数 ); 不洁; 淫秽; 杂质
    • A filter will remove most impurities found in water. 过滤器会滤掉水中的大部分杂质。
    • Oil is refined to remove naturally occurring impurities. 油经过提炼去除天然存在的杂质。
    40 doze [dəʊz] IsoxV   第8级
    vi. 打瞌睡;假寐 vt. 打瞌睡度过 n. 瞌睡
    • He likes to have a doze after lunch. 他喜欢午饭后打个盹。
    • While the adults doze, the young play. 大人们在打瞌睡,而孩子们在玩耍。
    41 tempting ['temptiŋ] wgAzd4   第7级
    a.诱人的, 吸引人的
    • It is tempting to idealize the past. 人都爱把过去的日子说得那么美好。
    • It was a tempting offer. 这是个诱人的提议。
    42 rebound [rɪˈbaʊnd] YAtz1   第10级
    n. 回弹;篮板球 vi. 回升;弹回 vt. 使弹回
    • The vibrations accompanying the rebound are the earth quake. 伴随这种回弹的振动就是地震。
    • Our evil example will rebound upon ourselves. 我们的坏榜样会回到我们自己头上的。
    43 vessels ['vesəlz] fc9307c2593b522954eadb3ee6c57480   第7级
    n.血管( vessel的名词复数 );船;容器;(具有特殊品质或接受特殊品质的)人
    • The river is navigable by vessels of up to 90 tons. 90 吨以下的船只可以从这条河通过。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    • All modern vessels of any size are fitted with radar installations. 所有现代化船只都有雷达装置。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
    44 pinpoint [ˈpɪnpɔɪnt] xNExL   第9级
    • It is difficult to pinpoint when water problems of the modern age began. 很难准确地指出,现代用水的问题是什么时候出现的。
    • I could pinpoint his precise location on a map. 我能在地图上指明他的准确位置。
    45 radiator [ˈreɪdieɪtə(r)] nTHxu   第8级
    • The two ends of the pipeline are connected with the radiator. 管道的两端与暖气片相连接。
    • Top up the radiator before making a long journey. 在长途旅行前加满散热器。
    46 salmon [ˈsæmən] pClzB   第7级
    • We saw a salmon jumping in the waterfall there. 我们看见一条大马哈鱼在那边瀑布中跳跃。
    • Do you have any fresh salmon in at the moment? 现在有新鲜大马哈鱼卖吗?
    47 preservatives [prɪ'zɜ:vətɪvz] fab08b2f7b02c895323967c3d2849c5c   第9级
    n.防腐剂( preservative的名词复数 )
    • The juice contains no artificial preservatives. 这种果汁不含人工防腐剂。
    • Meat spoils more quickly without preservatives. 不加防腐剂,肉会坏得快。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》

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