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The board hung above the radiator, where we drape wet rags and mittens dripping with snow, in the warmest spot in the kitchen.


Being able to bleed a radiator 20.


" If, for example, your eyes are dry due to cold winter weather and central heating, invest in a humidifier and try not to sit too close to a radiator.


In a six-page handwritten letter, one woman marketed her automotive knowledge, apparently in an effort to woo me: "I do know how to check the radiator in the vehicle to see if it may need a tad of water before the engine blows up.


'The closer you sit to a radiator, the more detrimental it may be, ,.


Stack books on your out-of-commission radiator You're not using old rusty this summer are you?


The board hung above the radiator, where we drape wet rags and mittens dripping with snow, in the warmest spot in the kitchen.

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With its signature body shape, lights and radiator grill and silver logo across the front edge of its bonnet, it was the spitting image of the British bestseller.


With order cars wait until the engine is cool and remove the radiator cap (wear a heavy glove for safety).

理解才有爱 忠诚一生伴

My turtle fell behind a radiator and was not discovered until too late.


-Sheldon: In the winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm, ,,, and yet not so close as to cause perspiration; .

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