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The produce of the warren, of the oyster-bed, several turtles which were taken, excellent salmon which came up the Mercy, vegetables from the plateau, wild fruit from the forest, were riches upon riches, and Neb, the head cook, could scarcely by himself store them away.


Shoals of salmon entered the Mercy, and ascended the country for several miles.


The little boats that lie tethered to the rings and stanchions of the old sea-wall are gaily painted as those I clambered in and out of in my own childhood; the salmon leap on the flood tide, schools of mackerel flash and play past quay-sides and foreshores, and by the windows the great vessels glide, night and day, up to their moorings or forth to the open sea.


"Last Monday I amalgamated myself with the Bricklayers' Union, and in accordance with the rules I was ordered to quit work the same day on account of a sympathy strike with the Lady Salmon Canners' Lodge No.


The Prince was away fishing for salmon in the river.


Focus on fish oils from wild salmon, nuts such as walnuts, seeds such as flax seed and olive oil.


Rehydrate by drinking lots of water and eat plenty of foods rich in A, C and E vitamins and omega-3 fats, like salmon.

研究表明 多吃油性鱼类可助降低24%老年疾病

The NHS suggests eating two portions of fish a week, including one that is oily, such as salmon.

将淡水虹鳟列入三文鱼类 引发争议不断

Over 80 percent of respondents to a recent consumer survey conducted by the Shanghai Consumer Council say an industry regulation that allows rainbow trout to be sold as salmon is misleading.


Vitamin D is hard to find in high concentrations in natural foods, but it can be found in fatty fish such as salmon, cheese, fortified milk and eggs.


The offer was made in an email sent round by Executive Dean, Andy Salmon.


Salmon fillets were selling fresh for $21 per pound.


The result is a decline in fish population, including in lobsters (who are cold-blooded creatures), and salmon (whose eggs find it hard to survive in higher water temps).


The result is a decline in fish population, including in lobsters (who are cold-blooded creatures), and salmon (whose eggs find it hard to survive in higher water temps).


Salmon, extra-virgin olive oil, blueberries, and nuts are not cheap items, and these are staples on the MIND diet.


China's first deep-sea fish farming facility, Shenlan 1, will be put into use later this month for salmon cultivation in the Yellow Sea, which will enable the country to achieve large-scale breeding of fish in the warm open seas.


The menu depends on the destination of choice -- Manhattan clam chowder and cheesecake for New York and salmon tartar and onion soup for Paris.


As the world's oceans heat up, salmon are migrating earlier.

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