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"We know these chemicals don't easily break down, they can build up in our bodies, and some can be toxic at high levels," said Dr Shaun Presow, Hazardous Substances Reassessments Manager.


Lab tests found toxic algae was not causing the color.


Their attitude and words are toxic and should be avoided if you're making to make big changes in your life.


"Not only are [synthetic fabrics] bad for your health as they are made from toxic chemicals, they are awful for the environment," St.


Cigarettes aren't just toxic when they're being smoked.


Those potentially toxic chemicals, including nicotine, can then be released into environments where smoking has never occurred, like your movie theater, according to the study.


I realise I was just surrounded by toxic people, of course their objective was to cut me down.


And I can honestly say that the environment now is as toxic and destructive as I have ever seen it.

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Those with the highest interest rates grow fastest, so focus on the most toxic debts first.


Cigarette is toxic and destroys my body.


Unhealthy people have toxic habits that keep them unhealthy.


, not feeling defined by others);(,);The development of significantly better self-esteem, which might previously have been trounced on a daily basis by toxic parents or other children and bullies you had no choice being around;,;The ability to choose the people you want to hang out with or avoid;; Finding a way to recognize and accept your own skills and weaknesses, and knowing how to compensate or learn from the latter;,;The ability to have significant personal insight about what love-interest


More recently, data increasingly suggests that thirdhand smoke - residual nicotine and other toxic chemicals from tobacco smoke that collect on surfaces, from carpet, furniture and curtains to a person's clothing - also pose a danger.

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Criticisms dropped off, as did the truly toxic, divorce-courting habits like stonewalling.


Most e-cigarettes contain and emit a variety of substances in addition to nicotine that could be toxic.


One kiosk was even found to have Staphylococcus, a contagious bacteria that can cause blood poisoning and even toxic shock syndrome.

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Specifically, they predict malignant cells could be encouraged to "commit suicide" without toxic chemicals pumped into the body.

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More than nine out of every 10 children on Earth are breathing toxic air on a daily basis, which stunts their brain development and causes deadly diseases, according to a major report by the World Health Organization (WHO).


That's because these screens emit blue light which is absorbed by vital cells in the eye's retina triggering toxic chemicals, which can eventually kill the photoreceptors we need for vision.

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But he admits that it's a toxic place at times.

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