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twelve years of solitude, after a wicked life, perhaps, may well impair a man's reason!


But once let somebody steal a horse (unless it was a Spanish pony), or cut a wire fence, or otherwise impair the peace and indignity of Mojada County, Luke and me would be on 'em with habeas corpuses and smokeless powder and all the modern inventions of equity and etiquette.


Now, in this latest study the team has found that not only do such high-fat, high-sugar diets impair memory in humans, they also appear to directly affect our ability to control our appetite.


Frequent exposure to UV can lead to the development of eye conditions such as cataracts and AMD which can impair sight and even cause partial or total blindness.


"The use of marijuana in these products is of particular concern because cannabis use among youth can adversely affect learning and memory and may impair later academic achievement and education," Katrina Trivers, CDC epidemiologist and lead author of the study, told The Verge in an email.


"Some people are especially sensitive to relatively subtle specific background sounds like chewing, and this sensitivity can be distracting enough to impair learning," study co-author Logan Fiorella, an assistant professor of applied cognition and development at the University of Georgia, told TIME.

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Musk said he made the decision to remain public after consulting Tesla shareholders large and small, and after concluding that the undertaking could impair efforts to boost production of its new sedan that are crucial to his strategy for Tesla.


So the working class child's behavior, which they and their parents see as "respectful," could impair their success in the classroom.


The study, which notes that cosmic radiation could possibly impair astronauts' decision-making abilities, was published in the journal Science Reports.


Cacioppo's research has also shown that the danger signals activated in the brain by loneliness affect the production of white blood cells; this can impair the immune system's ability to fight infections.


And the researchers discovered alterations in the proteins in smokers' seminal plasma that might impair fertilization.


"Although we can manage many of those much better these days, such complications also impair quality of life and self-esteem, as well as increase health costs for societies.


"I said 'if you can give me a reason as to why wearing flats would impair me to do my job today, then fair enough', but they couldn't," Ms Thorp told BBC.


Actually, NASA scientists have found that space can impair our vision, though they still aren't sure why.


The researchers, from Harvard and Syracuse University, say carbon dioxide should be considered direct pollutant and not just a marker for other pollutants, plus more research is now required to see how even low levels of CO2 can impair brain function.


"Typing can be too fluent or too fast, and can actually impair the writing process," said Srdan Medimorec, a cognitive psychologist from the University of Waterloo.


,190 WASHINGTON — The Justice Department sued the German automaker Volkswagen in federal court Monday, saying that the company installed illegal devices in nearly 600,000 diesel engine systems to impair emissions controls, that way increasing harmful air pollution.


It does, however, impair brain function over time.


In 2009, it dismissed nine hostesses for being "overweight" on safety grouds saying their shape could "impair agility".


" 'It is a fact that people are living longer and there is a noticeable decline in cognitive brain function in old age which can impair future quality of life.

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