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Mrs Pullet observed that the child might come to a worse end if she lived, there was no knowing; and Mr Pullet, confused and overwhelmed by this revolutionary aspect of things,—the tea deferred and the poultry alarmed by the unusual running to and fro,—took up his spud as an instrument of search, and reached down a key to unlock the goose-pen, as a likely place for Maggie to lie concealed in.


For to Rosamond this visit was a source of unprecedented but gracefully concealed exultation.


They enjoyed about equally the mysterious privilege of medical reputation, and concealed with much etiquette their contempt for each other's skill.


" She held out her hands and Phyllis turned out her little empty pocket to show that really they hadn't any fish concealed about them.


She beckoned mysteriously to the others and drew them into the back yard, and there, in a concealed spot, between the pump and the water-butt, she said:— "You remember Perks promising me the very first strawberries out of his own garden?


The Station Master concealed himself in the shadow of a brake-van that had a little tin chimney and was labelled:— G.


I remembered also how I had always fancied that her reserve concealed I knew not what; but now I saw in it more than the desire to hide a shameful secret.


I remembered also how I had always fancied that her reserve concealed I knew not what; but now I saw in it more than the desire to hide a shameful secret.


Dirk never concealed anything.


Poor pantaloon, he was not an object to excite love, but the smile in her eyes was affectionate, and it was possible that her reserve concealed a very deep feeling.


Whatever anguish she suffered she concealed.


Her manner was brisk, and her good-breeding scarcely concealed her conviction that if you were not a soldier you might as well be a counter-jumper.


It occurred to me that Strickland had concealed his address, after all.


Strickland, for reasons of her own, had concealed from him some part of the facts.


The breakfast-room was gay with company; and she was named to them by the general as the friend of his daughter, in a complimentary style, which so well concealed his resentful ire, as to make her feel secure at least of life for the present.


Something was certainly to be concealed; her fancy, though it had trespassed lately once or twice, could not mislead her here; and what that something was, a short sentence of Miss Tilney's, as they followed the general at some distance downstairs, seemed to point out: "I was going to take you into what was my mother's room—the room in which she died—" were all her words; but few as they were, they conveyed pages of intelligence to Catherine.


By what means could it have been so long concealed?

迷人四月天:Chapter 14

Mr Wilkins, imperfectly concealed in his towel, his shoulders exposed at one end and his legs at the other, and Lady Caroline Dester, to meet whom he had swallowed all his anger with his wife and come out to Italy.

迷人四月天:Chapter 6

As early as Calais they began to suspect it; in Paris they feared it; at Modane they knew it; at Mezzago they concealed it, driving out to Castagneto in two separate flys, the nose of the one almost touching the back of the other the whole way.


That's all I know about it—and I haven't got any more orphans concealed hereabouts.

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