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He kept him in his own room for the evening and saw him to bed, Raffles all the while amusing himself with the annoyance he was causing this decent and highly prosperous fellow-sinner, an amusement which he facetiously expressed as sympathy with his friend's pleasure in entertaining a man who had been serviceable to him, and who had not had all his earnings.


"But it's hard to run away with your earnings, eh child.


-The market price of the stock has risen far faster than the underlying diluted earnings per share.


That's a simple way to calculate earnings but it can be powerful for determining whether there's a gap or potential shortfall in your savings strategy.


In general, the value of shares increases as investors come to expect corporate earnings to rise.


To supplement his earnings he began writing short stories for local newspapers.


At five times their annual earnings, that's a similar figure to workers accepting risky jobs in rich countries.


Although more than 70 per cent of S&P 500 companies have beaten earnings expectations, just 42 per cent have eclipsed sales projections — 41 per cent have fallen short of consensus revenue forecasts.


You can increase it over time, as your earnings increase, and you get better at cutting spending.


I only work part-time as our kids are still young, and my earnings aren't enough to cover all our expenses.


The report also confirms that the gap in earnings tends to be larger in the informal than in the formal sector.


Along that line, Apple will no longer share device sales numbers in its quarterly earnings reports, starting with the next one.


Barra said she wants to act now, despite a strong economy and the company's healthy earnings, to help GM sustain profits through an expected downturn in the U.

因邻座太胖 乘客把英国航空给告了!

A tourist is suing British Airways, claiming he suffered injury and loss of earnings from having to sit next to an obese passenger on a 12-hour flight.


Matt Hancock, the Health and Social Care Secretary, said he was "attracted to" a cross-party plan for a compulsory premium deducted from the earnings of over 40s and over 65s.


Earnings estimates are based on data from Nielsen, Box Office Mojo and IMDB, as well as interviews with industry insiders.

报告显示 中兴通讯上半年净亏损78亿元

But ZTE predicts it will post a net profit of as much as 1 billion yuan ($146 million) for the quarter ending in September, according to its earnings report released late last Thursday.


5 million in pretax earnings between June 1, 2017 and June 1, 2018, making her acting's top-earning female lead.

《福布斯》发布收入十强女演员排行榜 斯嘉丽·约翰逊居首

The combined earnings of the top 10 women this year is $186 million, up 8% on last year.

福布斯公布最赚钱女演员榜 ,第一你肯定知道

This year Johansson managed to quadruple her earnings - which are calculated from June 2017 to June 2018 - for a whopping total of $40.

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