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She was a part of that involuntary, palpitating life, and could neither look out on it from her luxurious shelter as a mere spectator, nor hide her eyes in selfish complaining.


In her luxurious home, wandering under the boughs of her own great trees, her thought was going out over the lot of others, and her emotions were imprisoned.


" said Solomon, in a soft tone of humility, in which he had a sense of luxurious cunning, he being a rich man and not in need of it.


They were extravagantly luxurious.


I imagined that she saw her husband installed in a luxurious suite of rooms, dining at one smart restaurant after another, and she pictured his days spent at race-meetings and his evenings at the play.


When Prissy Andrews, attired in a new pink-silk waist with a string of pearls about her smooth white throat and real carnations in her hair—rumor whispered that the master had sent all the way to town for them for her—"climbed the slimy ladder, dark without one ray of light," Anne shivered in luxurious sympathy; when the choir sang "Far Above the Gentle Daisies" Anne gazed at the ceiling as if it were frescoed with angels; when Sam Sloane proceeded to explain and illustrate "How Sockery Set a He


I never saw any mahogany, but it does sound so luxurious.


Italian archaeologists have uncovered a luxurious Roman home near the Colosseum, boasting an "unparalleled" mosaic featuring shells, marble and precious glass, the culture ministry said Tuesday.


We had been making a call together that evening, and afterward Tom ran up to my rooms for a pipe and a chat before going on to his own luxurious apartments.


A well-cooked, abundant meal, a host whom his lightest attempt to entertain seemed to delight far beyond the merits of the exertion, and the reposeful atmosphere that his sensitive soul at that time craved united to confer upon him a satisfaction and luxurious ease that he had seldom found on his tours of the ranches.


He had finished gouging out a cob, and now he fitted a weed stem to it, loaded it with tobacco, and was pressing a coal to the charge and blowing a cloud of fragrant smoke—he was in the full bloom of luxurious contentment.


Japan sells million-yen masks Japanese trendsetters can now protect against the coronavirus in luxurious style with opulent masks adorned with diamonds and pearls for a cool million yen each.


He thought of his luxurious life and told himself, "Now I have 4 wives with me.


The idea is to build the most luxurious yacht on the world, and the golden decorations, Swarovski crystals, and some precious stones which we would like to use, it will be not cheap, I am sure.


Considering the brand's storied history producing uber luxurious leather goods that travel well, Nicolas Ghesquière's latest design for Louis Vuitton is a serious no brainer.

兑现竞选承诺 墨西哥新总统放弃专机搭乘商业航班

My face would be filled with shame if I board such a luxurious plane in a country with so much poverty," Lopez Obrador said in a video posted to Twitter in September.


It centers on Poirot investigating a murder during a luxurious cruise on the Nile River that he just happens to be on.


" The accommodations at Offshore Wind were not luxurious, though that is not what attracts people to Xichong.


If you're lucky enough to collect your western salary, life can be somewhat luxurious.


The Prada campus feels, by comparison, world-weary, sneakily luxurious and — especially with its new tower — a mini-city, fragmentary, full of craft and secrets.

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