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Unwonted circumstances may make us all rather unlike ourselves: there are conditions under which the most majestic person is obliged to sneeze, and our emotions are liable to be acted on in the same incongruous manner.


It was a pretty picture to see this little lady in white muslin unfastening the widow's cap from her more majestic sister, and tossing it on to a chair.


Farebrother, with majestic discretion, "and a wife would be most welcome, Camden.


She was a Provencale, with dark eyes, a Greek profile, and rounded majestic form, having that sort of beauty which carries a sweet matronliness even in youth, and her voice was a soft cooing.


Trembling he obeyed, and raised his humble head; and then, in that utter clearness of the imminent dawn, while Nature, flushed with fullness of incredible colour, seemed to hold her breath for the event, he looked in the very eyes of the Friend and Helper; saw the backward sweep of the curved horns, gleaming in the growing daylight; saw the stern, hooked nose between the kindly eyes that were looking down on them humourously, while the bearded mouth broke into a half-smile at the corners; saw th


You argued it out, step by step, in that wise head of yours, from the very moment that I fell and cut my shin, and you looked at the cut, and at once your majestic mind said to itself, 'Door-scraper!

迷人四月天:Chapter 15

But she paused and looked impenetrable, majestic and menacing, and Costanza was cowed.

迷人四月天:Chapter 9

It was only towards lunch-time that she saw a way to be quite safe, and ringing for Francesca, bade her, in slow and majestic Italian, shut the shutters of the glass door of the round drawing-room, and then, going with her into the room, which had become darker than ever in consequence, but also, Mrs.


Some nights the whole outer world seemed given over to the empery of silence; then came nights when there would be a majestic sweep of wind in the pines; nights of dear starlight when it whistled freakishly and joyously around the Blue Castle; brooding nights before storm when it crept along the floor of the lake with a low, wailing cry of boding and mystery.


She meant her tone to be stately and majestic, as usual, but it sounded more like an imploring whine.


The retribution that followed every vengeful success was so sweeping and majestic that the boys always retired from the field badly worsted.


They felt no longing for the little village sleeping in the distance beyond the majestic waste of water.


The other pirates envied him this majestic vice, and secretly resolved to acquire it shortly.


And above it all the great man sat and beamed a majestic judicial smile upon all the house, and warmed himself in the sun of his own grandeur—for he was "showing off," too.


It was often necessary to build tall towers there - massive structures like the majestic Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, lighthouse, which was lit in 1870.

旅游英语:天山 Taishan Mountain

Taishan Mountain has 72 majestic peaks, magnificent waterfalls, centuries-old pines and cypresses and fascinating rocks.


Colored flags accompany the Fangshan Drum Dance,making the scene more majestic.

Beauty of July 七月之美

It has a darkened and a daily colour, in majestic but not obvious harmony with dark grey skies, and might look, to inconstant eyes, as prosaic after spring as eleven o'clock looks after the dawn.

可悲! 非洲大象为自我保护而不再长象牙!

Meanwhile, more females are being born without their long, majestic front teeth than ever before, especially in places where the effects of the ivory trade have been particularly devastating.


Greece – The Greek Islands —— Greece is a country with a feeling of such majestic wonder: every single one of the Greek Islands has a host of beautiful beaches.

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