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It was not the change of emaciation, but that effect which even young faces will very soon show from the persistent presence of resentment and despondency.


Lydgate's opinion was not on the side of promise that this prayer would be fulfilled; and as the day advanced, Bulstrode felt himself getting irritated at the persistent life in this man, whom he would fain have seen sinking into the silence of death: imperious will stirred murderous impulses towards this brute life, over which will, by itself, had no power.


She thought them totally unwarranted, and the repulsion which this exceptional severity excited in her was in danger of making the more persistent tenderness unacceptable.


Neither threats nor coaxing could avail: he could not count on any persistent fear nor on any promise.


After three months Freshitt had become rather oppressive: to sit like a model for Saint Catherine looking rapturously at Celia's baby would not do for many hours in the day, and to remain in that momentous babe's presence with persistent disregard was a course that could not have been tolerated in a childless sister.


The most innocent echo has an impish mockery in it when it follows a gravely persistent speaker, and this echo was not at all innocent; if it did not follow with the precision of a natural echo, it had a wicked choice of the words it overtook.


Regretting that there exists this difference between us as to a relation in which the conferring of benefits has been entirely on your side— I remain, yours with persistent obligation, WILL LADISLAW.


To have reversed a previous arrangement and declined to go out would have been a show of persistent anger which Dorothea's conscience shrank from, seeing that she already began to feel herself guilty.


Strange, that some of us, with quick alternate vision, see beyond our infatuations, and even while we rave on the heights, behold the wide plain where our persistent self pauses and awaits us.


But it is unfortunate that I can give no description of the arduous steps by which he reached such mastery over his art as he ever acquired; for if I could show him undaunted by failure, by an unceasing effort of courage holding despair at bay, doggedly persistent in the face of self-doubt, which is the artist's bitterest enemy, I might excite some sympathy for a personality which, I am all too conscious, must appear singularly devoid of charm.


"When they went," continued the Badger, "the strong winds and persistent rains took the matter in hand, patiently, ceaselessly, year after year.

迷人四月天:Chapter 19

He had the makings, her experienced eye could see, of a passionately persistent grabber.

迷人四月天:Chapter 4

Wilkins, who had not been abroad since before the war, and was noticing with increasing disgust, as week followed week of wind and rain, the peculiar persistent vileness of the weather, had slowly conceived a desire to get away from England for Easter.


The haunting, persistent croon of the pine-trees filled the air.


21/04-21/05 Patient, reliable, warmhearted, loving, persistent, determined, placid and security loving.


"In many cases, the persistent contamination was observable the following day in the unoccupied theater.


Labs are not really hard to train, but you have to be persistent.


Labs are not really hard to train, but you have to be persistent.


I started working my way over the loose rock with considerable caution and had covered about half the distance when I became aware of a slight but persistent yielding of the shale under my feet.


For example, in times of high stress, such as a persistent threat of violence or poor nutrition, physiological changes in the organism can tweak your genes by adding or removing a chemical group that effectively locks them down or opens them up.

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