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Mrs Tulliver carried the proud integrity of the Dodsons in her blood, and had been brought up to think that to wrong people of their money, which was another phrase for debt, was a sort of moral pillory; it would have been wickedness, to her mind, to have run counter to her husband's desire to "do the right thing," and retrieve his name.


"It's so good of you," said he, "to come down here and retrieve the day for us.


" "Nonsense," said Valancy, stooping to retrieve her arbutus.


Finally, you need to retrieve the memories in the situations that need them.


This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love… They try to posses it, they demand, they expect… and just like the water spilling out of your hand, Love will retrieve from you.


When they missed shots they would be the ones to retrieve their own rebounds, dive for loose balls, outwit defenders and make every last second count (many times it did).

定了! 嫦娥五号将于今年年底前后发射!

If Chang'e 5 succeeds in its mission, China will become the third nation to retrieve lunar samples, after the US and Russia.


The man frantically lay on the ground and peered into the grate while his partner looked on in concern, but they were unable to retrieve the ring.


Finally he decided the animal was old and the well needed to be covered up anyway, it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.

瑞典女大学生阻止飞机起飞 只为救下阿富汗难民

The man attempted to take her phone but a flight attendant was able to retrieve the device and return it to Ersson.


Instead of letting him retrieve it, he insisted he either pay right then or send a friend or relative to get the money while he stayed inside.


The Guinness World Records guidelines for this attempt stated she must go on at least one ride and retrieve two witness statements in every attraction she entered, making the challenge even more difficult.


"Later, when you want to retrieve the information, clench the left fist.


My family came to retrieve me.


They come to retrieve the sample, do the testing, and post the result online.

人社部表示 全国农民工总量达2.82亿人

The ministry has helped retrieve 35 billion yuan in back pay for migrant workers, and back pay complaints have fallen, Qiu said.


The Dayan Pagoda station mural features the likeness of Xuanzang - the famed Buddhist monk who departed from Xi'an around the year 630 to retrieve sutras from India.


Until you learn to examine your feelings, retrieve their messages, and let them go, they'll act like cuts that never close.


Enter Ms Vestager, with her plan to make Ireland retrieve Euro13bn, and to let other EU countries stake their own claims to the money.

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