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减肥有益于大脑健康 能让你变聪明

Many of them had additional health problems, such as high blood pressure, type two diabetes and sleep apnea.


'At the very least, we have identified that there is an entirely new way of approaching the obesity problem,' said Aaron Cypess, an author of one of the studies and an endocrinologist at Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston.


The move toward this new strategy comes as governments are beginning to grapple with the enormous fiscal costs of obesity, which are expected to grow as younger people develop diseases such as Type 2 diabetes and some forms of cancer later in life that are linked to obesity.


Previous studies have linked the sedentary habit of TV watching among children to obesity and diabetes, and another study in the same journal cited the poor nutritional content of the overwhelming majority of food products advertised on the top-rated US.


And if you don't believe Mom, a growing body of studies shows that a good meal in the morning can help your body prepare for the day to come, and lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity.


World Diabetes Day falls on November 14th each year.


chemical found in the drink prevents deteriorating eyesight and possible blindness from retinal degeneration due to glaucoma, ageing and diabetes.


Claire, who lost her sight due to diabetes when she was 24, beamed: 'I have no doubt that our guide dogs brought us together and helped me find my true love.


In others words, fast food makes you fat and increases your risk of type 2 diabetes.

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