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In Laos, drug dealers descended on Marquis's camp one night, firing their automatic weapons into the air.


Abbotts, an auction house in the east of England which holds fine-art sales every few months, used to publicise them by advertising in the papers, sending out catalogues and telephoning dealers.

车价下跌 反垄断调查伸向汽车行业

More than 1,000 Chinese and overseas companies in the auto industry, including manufacturers, suppliers and dealers, are involved in anti-monopoly investigations, according to an official at China's top economic planning body.


Junk dealers and used-car salesmen profiteered on them.

The Story of Ali Colia, Merchant of Bagdad

Send for some dealers in olives, and let us hear what they say!

一千零一夜:Noureddin and the Fair Persian

As soon, then, as Khacan returned home he sent for the dealers in female slaves, and charged them directly they had found such a one as he described to inform him.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Old Man Does Is Always Right

Many guests were present—horse dealers, cattle drovers, and two Englishmen.

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