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The arrival of the moving van at the rear entrance on Downing Street suggested that the Camerons have at least found temporary lodgings, although officials would not confirm this.


Farmer Li's guesthouse is one of many lodgings that serve simple home-cooked dishes according to the season, for example: stir-fried pumpkin with fern shoots, or sticky rice cooked inside bamboo.


Dauntless Little John There was once a lad whom everyone called Dauntless Little John, since he was afraid of nothing Traveling about the world, he came to an inn, where he asked for lodgings "We have no room here," said the innkeeper, "but if you're not afraid, I will direct you to a certain palace where you can stay" "Why should I be afraid?


I have pleasant and comfortable, but pricey lodgings .

威廉·莎士比亚-8 苏格兰来的英国国王

Will and I were now living in very fine lodgings in Silver Street,with the Mountjoy family.

威廉·莎士比亚-5 瘟疫流行时期

Will was out somewhere,and I was at home in our lodgings in Bishopsgate.

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