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淘宝又被美国列入假货黑名单 阿里不服

It wouldn't come as a surprise if we encounter other situations similar to that of 'Notorious Markets' in the future, where protectionism leads to malicious acts to players in the market, :'','',,.


The feud erupted when Wilson savaged the book in the New York Review of Books in "an overlong, spiteful, stochastically accurate, generally useless but unfailingly amusing hatchet job" that set the tone for "seven-plus years of malicious rhetoric.


Citing Mr Jordan's fame in China, judge Tao Kaiyuan said Qiaodan's registration of the disputed trademarks clearly showed malicious intent, in an hour-long ruling that was streamed live on the court's website.


Hackers used source code for Mirai, malicious software that takes over internet of things devices and is now widely available on the internet, to create a "botnet" — or interconnected network of computers controlled by cybercriminals.


Unidentified hackers took over tens of millions of devices using malicious software called Mirai, making the attack much more powerful and harder to defend against than the average distributed denial of service attack.


It ordered law enforcement to monitor, block and delete Trojan horse and other malicious software and personal information disseminated online.


The FireEye statement, which one person in the cyber security sectorsaid amounted to a warning of a criminal "campaign" targeting banks, followedan admission by Swift on Monday that it was aware of malicious softwaredesigned to prevent banks spotting fraudulent transactions.


The fake apps come installed with malicious software that can track private data.


He estimates 1m new malicious codes were found on devices in 2015.

远离网络 也难摆脱黑客攻击

Walsh any actual harm, the hackers used a service called Phish5, which does not actually store passwords and is often used by employers to test employees' ability to spot malicious phishing cons.


Keep in mind, if someone is vicious and malicious in their comments and treatment of you, you're being verbally abused.

一千零一夜:Noureddin and the Fair Persian

" "My lord," said his wife, "I am quite aware of Saouy's baseness, and that he is capable of playing you this malicious trick.

格林童话英文版:The Dog and the Sparrow

" "Alas, husband," she answered, "what a malicious bird has come into the house!

格林童话英文版:The Drummer

She behaved as if she did not notice it, and said nothing, but looked at him with malicious eyes.

格林童话英文版:The True Sweetheart

"Now we will godown below," said she, looking at the girl with malicious eyes.

格林童话英文版:Strong Hans

Then the malicious dwarf wanted to spring on him and treat him as he had treated Fir-Twister and Rock-Splitter, but he had chosen the wrong man.

格林童话英文版:The Sparrow and His Four Children

""In sooth, my dear son, if thou takest refuge in the churches and helpestto clear away spiders and buzzing flies, and criest unto God like the youngravens, and commendest thyself to the eternal Creator, all will be well withthee, and that even if the whole world were full of wild malicious birds.

格林童话英文版:The Six Servants

When twelve struck, the aged sorceress came stealing in with a malicious face, as much as to say, "Now he is mine, for she believed that her daughter was on the rock three hundred leagues off.

格林童话英文版:The Two Travellers

So the malicious shoemaker betook himself for the fourth time to the king, and said, "Lord king, the tailor has not given up his arrogance.

格林童话英文版:The Seven Ravens

Hastily she ran away, and ran to the moon, but it was far too cold, and also awful and malicious, and when it saw the child, it said, I smell, I smell the flesh of men.

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