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" Poor diet A wealth of evidence has found that sugary, processed foods high in saturated fats can expose people to potentially fatal diseases at similar, if not greater, rates than smoking.


"The China market is saturated, so now Xiaomi is turning its attention to India," said Xiaohan Tay, a senior market analyst at IDC, the market research company.


" Poor diet A wealth of evidence has found that sugary, processed foods high in saturated fats can expose people to potentially fatal diseases at similar, if not greater, rates than smoking.


'The amount of fat and saturated fats creates a condition called fatty liver,' Ordon said.


) (、) "These are high in sodium, and often high in saturated fats and calories," Larson said.


Jia Mo, a research analyst at global consultancy Canalys, said the domestic smartphone market is becoming increasingly saturated and driven mostly by replacement users.


a Framingham Nutrition Study has found that women who consume 400 more calories per day and eat healthier are two-and-a-half times less likely to have an excess of abdominal fat than women who take in fewer calories but consume more saturated fat and less fiber.


But your average cup of cocoa contains a lot less saturated fat than a regular chocolate bar.


Some analysts also warn that the smartphone market is becoming saturated.


Low or no saturated fat.


The news and commercial media are saturated by diet fads and weight loss solutions and in recent years reality-based television has made a killing off saving the lives of the morbidly obese.


But the food product contains plenty of unhealthy ingredients, including MSG and the chemical preservative tertiary-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), and is also high in saturated fat.


Toppings such pepperoni, sausage and extra cheese can boost saturated fat, sodium and calories, while slices made with thinner crusts and topped with veggies tend to have lower calorie, saturated fat and sodium counts.


Disease-fighting A vegan diet reduces the risk of developing chronic degenerative diseases like obesity, high blood pressure and type-2 diabetes due to lower intake of saturated fats.


A diet that is high in processed foods, sugar, salt, saturated and trans fats will massively hinder that 6 pack.


During weekdays, night owls consumed less for breakfast but still managed to eat more sugar, carbohydrates and saturated fat than their early-morning peers.


In the mid-20th century, Americans were increasingly concerned about the growing rate of heart disease and were told to ditch saturated fats - such as butter and cream - in favor of vegetable oil.


According to a report from the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a medium bucket of popcorn holds 20 cups and contains 1,200 calories, 980 milligrams of sodium and 60 grams of saturated fat, or about three days worth.


Choose butter from grass-fed cows; it has less saturated fat and more unsaturated(good) fatty acids, which can be stored in your muscle cells.


"Even though the smartphone market is getting saturated, there is growth in dual camera phones so there are more image sensors in each phone," says Sony's Mr Haruta.

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