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The Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary is among the top 10 bestselling second-hand textbooks that fresh graduates are trading in an online flea market, Hong Kong Economic Times reported.


You first spied each other at the library, or the indie bookstore, or over a rack of yellowing hardcovers at a second-hand store.


While this is certainly true (and feels great) there are a number of second-hand benefits you can experience as a result of this relaxation.


Selling his belongings, he managed to scrape enough money to buy a second-hand bike and set out on the intrepid journey to be reunited.


10、Your father's honour is to you but a second-hand honour.


"When implemented, this new law will permanently bring clean air to all of Beijing's indoor public places - in doing so, protecting Beijing's more than 20 million residents from the deadly effects of exposure to toxic second-hand smoke," said its representative in China, Dr Bernhard Schwartlander.


com, but both companies provide a range of online advertising listings including job adverts, housing and second-hand goods.


Second-hand junk generally refers to buying used goods or cargo.


Former Leeds Metropolitan University students Stuart Humphreys, 24, and Claire Bragg, 25, spent just over £6,000 and two years transforming their second-hand van into what will be their home while they travel around Europe.

英语名人名言: Religion 宗教

Charles Lamb (1775 - 1834) It is a fine thing to establish one's own religion in one's heart, not to be dependent on tradition and second-hand ideals.

英国28岁学渣 驾考理论挂科110次

The unnamed 40-year-old, from Stoke-on-Trent, forked out at least £2,294 trying to pass - which could have paid for a decent second-hand car.


When James left the hat-cleaning shop he walked three blocks out of his way home to look over the goods of a second-hand bookstall.

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