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迷人四月天:Chapter 6

Twinges of every sort had there been her portion; aches, hurts, discouragements, and she the whole time being steadily unselfish.

迷人四月天:Chapter 1

Wilkins, having stood there some time very drearily, her mind's eye on the Mediterranean in April, and the wistaria, and the enviable opportunities of the rich, while her bodily eye watched the really extremely horrible sooty rain falling steadily on the hurrying umbrellas and splashing omnibuses, suddenly wondered whether perhaps this was not the rainy day Mellersh—Mellersh was Mr.

绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 35

Anne worked hard and steadily.


Allan took a mouthful of hers and a most peculiar expression crossed her face; not a word did she say, however, but steadily ate away at it.


Presently Anne stepped out bareheaded into the chill autumn dusk; very determinedly and steadily she took her way down through the sere clover field over the log bridge and up through the spruce grove, lighted by a pale little moon hanging low over the western woods.

绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER I

She knitted steadily on.


" As the boys steadily and monotonously drove the raft toward mid-stream it was no doubt understood that these orders were given only for "style," and were not intended to mean anything in particular.


They gained steadily on it, and at last, breast to breast, they burst through the open door and fell grateful and exhausted in the sheltering shadows beyond.


His voice began on a medium key and climbed steadily up till it reached a certain point, where it bore with strong emphasis upon the topmost word and then plunged down as if from a spring-board: He was regarded as a wonderful reader.


The sound came steadily nearer; and in advance of it came this ghastly thought, "The crocodile is about to board the ship!


Steadily the waters rose till they were nibbling at his feet; and to pass the time until they made their final gulp, he watched the only thing on the lagoon.


Doctor said, in her throat steadily a lump.

英语美文:内心的小孩 会越长越小

The truth is while I have been steadily growing older on the outside I have for a while now , been growing younger on the inside.


—— · Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.

Late for School

I went back again the next semester, and my grades steadily improved.


The amount of summer sea ice in the Arctic has been steadily shrinking over the past few decades because of global warming.

英语美文:The Sky Is the Limit

Unlike computing, where costs have been driven steadily down and performance continuously increases, the rocket-launching business has made little progress since the 1960s.


Doctor said,In herthroat steadily a lump,Although has excised,Destroyed the vocalcord actually, Possibly again also could not deliver the speech.


Doctor said, In her throat steadily a lump, Although has excised, Destroyed the vocal cord actually, Possibly again also could not deliver the speech.

Persistence 励志篇

-- · Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably.

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