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" The study surveyed 876 employees at a large Fortune 100 health insurance company and asked them to rate 138 leaders in the company on their humility and effectiveness, and how motivated the employees were by their supervisors.


Your former colleagues and supervisors are a certifiable networking goldmine: They know your background, they work in your sector, and they have their own set of professional contacts.


Now the team has been split in two and given two supervisors with differing management styles.


Workplace flexibility is increasingly important to your colleagues and supervisors.


British research has shown that sociability is good for the health, with a study of thousands of civil servants revealing that moral support from colleagues, encouragement from supervisors and clear direction from bosses kept stress levels down.


When I was in a job and my supervisors insisted — unfairly, I believed — that I wasn't producing enough, I found it helpful to document exactly what I was doing.

英语名人名言: Goals 目标

Maxwell Maltz, Communication Bulletin for Managers & Supervisors, June 2004 To will is to select a goal, determine a course of action that will bring one to that goal, and then hold to that action till the goal is reached.

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