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The program to try to jolt the European economy out of its doldrums that Mario Draghi unveiled Thursday is several months late, timid compared with its counterparts in the United States and Japan, and full of complexity aimed at satisfying his political constituents.

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"There's a layer of complexity in getting the story to work as a saga across three films," he explained.


7% hard liquor, according to the Observatory of Economic Complexity, which is run by MIT.


" Toth says what makes the beans prized and the chocolate so strong is its complexity and balance, and he thanks the growing region for that.


We live in a time when chemists and cooks have joined hands to concoct foods of unrivaled complexity in everything from packaged snack food to wallet-crushing meals at Michelin-starred restaurants.

人工智能大发展 50%职业未来将消失

" 'For many of us, artificial intelligence will be a tool to undertake tasks of a scale and complexity that were once unimaginable but which are now eminently possible and hugely rewarding.


While it is true that while technology is core to everything, it is also true that technology is also still too complex, too hard to manage, and often that complexity is a barrier.


In an essay published last year, he said Latin's grammatical complexity did not hamper its spread.


As the scale of human organizing expands to unprecedented levels, the winners will be those people, organizations, and countries that can: focus on what matters most to their core stakeholders; rapidly process new information, learn from it, and then thoughtfully and deliberately act amid the complexity.


(Smoking gun studies are difficult in the diet world, but throwing up our hands in the face of complexity serves the interests of processed-food pushers.


Based on the intrinsic complexity of personal feelings, there are an endless number of reasons why relationships fail.

英语名人名言:evolution 进化

Judith Hayes The theory of evolution by cumulative natural selection is the only theory we know of that is in principle capable of explaining the existence of organized complexity.


Nonetheless given the overwhelming complexity of nature Dr.

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