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The melody is as magnificent and dignified as Mount Tai which reaches to the sky!


Soon she returned with the manager, a dignified white-haired gentleman, who asked, "What seems to be the trouble, sir?


Or something dignified and elegant.

杜甫: 丽人行

While a solemn sound of flutes and drums invokes gods and spirits, Guests and courtiers gather, all of high rank; And finally, riding slow, a dignified horseman Dismounts at the pavilion on an embroidered rug.


It is a dignified choice that announces your presence, but can be intimidating if overused.

英语名人名言: Humility 谦逊

Barrie (1860 - 1937) The loss of one's dignified bearing is often sudden.


It's customary among the stars to quietly burn the hydrogen they are made of, generously giving energy to the void, until they are reduced to a dignified thinness and end their career as modest white dwarfs.

安徒生童话英文版:The Court Cards

But now at once, without any nod or invitation from little William, the Knave of Clubs stepped out, grave and proud, like the stork that struts with such a dignified air over the green meadow.

安徒生童话英文版:Anne Lisbeth

" Anne Lisbeth had now lived in the town many years; she was called "Madame," and felt dignified in consequence; she remembered the old, noble days, in which she had driven in the carriage, and had associated with countess and baroness.

The Naked King

However, with only his undergarments on, he still walked in a dignified manner.

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