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"I'm so pleased to be a Guinness record holder.


In 2006, he is chosen as the flag holder stands for China in the opening ceremony in the 15th Asian Games held in Doha.

李白: 长相思(之二)

A Zhao harp has just been laid mute on its phoenix holder, And a Shu lute begins to sound its mandarin-duck strings.


The previous record holder, the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion pepper, was measured by New Mexico State University's Chile Pepper Institute with a mean of more than 1.

8年针筒未换 600多英国学生有感染艾滋病危险

'This also occurred during blood taking, where a single use holder for a blood collection tube was reused but needles changed.


She sent the fish's measurements to the International Game Fish Association to recognize her as the new world record holder for a pacific bluefin tuna catch, and she's still waiting for the official word.

The Candles

That's why I should stand on a silver candle holder.

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