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The Japanese inventor Yoshiro Nakamatsu, holder of 3,300 patents, father of the karaoke machine and the digital watch, forces himself to dive without oxygen, allowing the pressure from the water to starve his brain of blood.


The world record holder for the number of university degrees is a 70-year old Italian.


Their Royal Highnesses were joined by Paula Radcliffe, the current Marathon World Record Holder and three-time London Marathon winner.


But the administrator disagreed, deciding that New China was in fact an equity holder.


In the banking sector, the circular prolonged the period of time needed for money to be transferred from an account holder to another via ATM to 24 hours.


The girl expressed her excitement on her Facebook page with a picture holding the award and a message stating "I can now proudly announce that I am a Guiness world record book holder!


A certificate of deposit is a time deposit that entitles the holder to receive interest at a higher rate than ordinary deposits, and thus is more appealing to savers.


A relaxed workplace visit can tell you a great deal about working style – and you may discover why the last post holder left!


The previous record holder weighed 1,395 carats.


Revenue from the opening weekend is nearly 240 million dollars, beating the previous record holder, "Jurassic World," by about 30 million.


" The amendment states that processing data of "a child below the age of 16 years shall only be lawful if and to the extent that such consent is given or authorised by the holder of parental responsibility over the child".


79 million dollars debut of October record holder "Gravity" back in 2013.


Toennies, through his former club, was quick to congratulate the new record holder, telling Lewandowski: "You deserved it, Robert.


Still, the data mean China has now overtaken Russia as the sixth largest holder of gold in the world, after the US, Germany, the IMF, Italy and France, according to the World Gold Council.


That fact was revealed by the current 007 passport holder, Geoffrey Howe, Lord Howe of Aberavon, who was Thatcher's longest-serving Cabinet minister until he resigned in 1990 with a devastating Commons speech which signalled the end of her premiership.


To own a bitcoin is to possess a secret code that identifies you as the holder of a particular wallet, to whose contents the public ledger (or "blockchain") attests.


A 1971 segment of the British television show "Tomorrow's World" featured James Burke contemplating desktop diversions like kinetic sculpture and a motorized drink holder on the executive floor of the BBC.

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"There is a mismatch between the perception that you get what you want over the Internet and distribution doesn't matter anymore, and a copyright holder selling things by territory," said Tim Wu, a professor of media and copyright at Columbia Law School.


" Attorney General Eric Holder also brought up the Sterling scandal in a speech to graduates at Morgan State University in Baltimore on Saturday, saying "subtle racism" still exists in the United States.


College brings higher pay: $1,053 a week for the median bachelor's degree holder last year, versus $638 for a high school graduate with no college, says the U.

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