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every man has his liking.


Leo and Sagittarius & Both of these signs are optimistic and generous – as well as liking to party!


This is the worst possible preparation for corporate life, which demands that everyone goes through the pretence of liking all the people they are forced to work with.


———— The pleasure (quite new to him) of being liked and, still more, of liking other people, was what kept Eustace from despair.


Every man has his liking.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(170)

Besides, my children have taken a liking to him.


This was welcome news to Jeakey Chen, who had her eyes on a pair of boots from the British brand, Clarks, to which she took a liking when she was a student in Sheffield, England.


A particular liking for bitter-tasting foods and drinks such as coffee and tonic water could mean you have psychopathic tendencies.


I immediately took a liking to Widi, perhaps in part because he reminded me, in both looks and boisterously welcoming manner, of a friend in New York.


That was a time when I took a crazy liking to rock'n'roll.


He said users of the site wanted to express feelings other than 'liking'.


In no way are they intended as a bribe but an expression of liking, and as a goodbye gift.


I hope you find something to your liking here.


10、Life lies not in living but in liking.


It was starting to have the vibe of friending, liking and sharing on Facebook, and that always gives me acid flashbacks to the '80s when I was forced to go to my brother's house and watch slides of his wedding.

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Liking Nicki Minaj on Facebook may not seem like a momentous decision — but one day, it could help determine whether you get hired.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(9)

" With me as the glaring exception, my father molded the world around him to his liking.


" I can't bear classing people together nationally, and liking or disliking them.


"Not liking vegetables" is the equivalent of saying "I don't like people"—it's a massive generalization.


The secret is in liking what you do.

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