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At least 100 of the traditional red boxes are taken every year, with those in isolated towns and villages most at risk.


Huang Gong confined them to their isolated boudoir, and forbade them to show their faces in public.


To do this, they isolated thin slices of rat brain containing intact sensory, vasopressin-releasing and clock neurons.


To sum up, the reason why people feel lonely is mixture of many causes, if there is no computer and network, we actually feel even more isolated.


The Human Genome Project team declared that our DNA consisted of isolated oases of protein-coding genes surrounded by "vast expanses of unpopulated desert where only noncoding 'junk' DNA can be found.


Teixobactin is the most promising candidate isolated from 10,000 strains of bacteria that the researchers screened.

倾听内心世界 这不是你想要的生活

We can all feel alone, isolated, and empty from time to time, but if you find yourself with a chronic feeling of emptiness, again, it's a sign that something is not right.


"Over the last few weeks and months, we've seen occasional, jarring reminders of the discrimination and the isolated, repugnant, racist views," Holder said.


But on the other hand, some people debate that it is also inconvenient, waste the time, isolated us from people, and make our lives more complicated.


In a year or two, this mountain highway will bring 21st-century benefits to isolated communities, but it will take time for the landscape to recover and you can't escape a sense that the life you see will soon vanish.

新官上任不好做 你如何避免失败

Women bosses felt less isolated than men did, perhaps because women build support networks early on in their transitions.


His great-grandfather was one of the first men to settle the hinterlands of Managi, and Pachard's own explorations of the region as an agroforestry specialist provided him access to isolated valleys beyond the reach of roads ,.

印度发现首例埃博拉病例 已被隔离

According to a government press release, however, the man was isolated at Delhi airport "as a matter of abundant caution".


Baldwin's self-consciousness about his disorder kept him isolated.


A handful of future leaders would gather in an isolated hotel and devote themselves to studying great books.


Cortisone injections often work for patients with isolated patches of baldness, but they must be done regularly and are painful.


In one study, Cacioppo and Steve Cole of the University of California, Los Angeles, (UCLA) observed a change in the immune system of socially isolated people.


" he asked, pointing to an isolated reef in the middle of the sea "Get into a rowboat and go explore it We'll be cruising right around here" Samphire Starboard stepped into the rowboat, and the ship sailed away at full speed, leaving him stranded in the middle of the sea He approached the reef, spied a cave, and went in Tied up inside was a very beautiful maiden, who was none other than the king's daughter "How did you manage to find me?


Elisa is a young married lady working on an isolated farm and proud of her skills in growing flowers.

英语小说:金银岛-Chapter 19

I was pretty far down on the low, sandy spit that encloses the anchorage to the east, and is joined at half-water to Skeleton Island; and now, as I rose to my feet, I saw, some distance further down the spit and rising from among low bushes, an isolated rock, pretty high, and peculiarly white in colour.

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