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The credit rating agency said it acted because the government of Shinzo Abe did not offset the lost revenue from last year's delay in raising consumption tax.

缺水北京办冬奥 环境危害受质疑

Forest cover lost to ski slopes or other facilities will be offset with new tree plantings elsewhere, in compliance with I.


Losses in the international business widened to $65m from $35m a year ago, as a $15m foreign exchange impact offset subscriber growth.


Workers from southeast Europe were being charged more for accommodation to offset the cost of higher wages.


Regular professional massages can help offset the craving for human contact.


" Sponsors encouraged attendees to offset their convention travel with carbon credits, while meals were made of locally-grown ingredients, reducing the environmental impact.


American exports might flatten out or even dip, but that would be offset by lower imports of petroleum because of sinking oil prices.


With the majors seemingly hell-bent on delivering these extra tonnes — as the lowest-cost producers running vast operations, they assume they can withstand weak prices while rivals fall out of the market — the question is what, if anything, can absorb or offset this fresh supply.


The plan is paid for through surcharges on electricity bills that cost the typical German family roughly $280 a year, though some of that has been offset as renewables have pushed down wholesale electricity prices.


The strong iPhone sales, thanks in part to a recent distribution deal with China Mobile, offset other, more disappointing results from Apple's other signature product, the iPad.


Looking back on that horrible summer, I soon understood that all succeeding good things merely offset the bad.


"In most cases, action to correct the problems would be simple, and any costs would be offset in the medium term, due to increased efficiency, reduction of wastage, and benefits in terms of health of pupils and staff.


Experts said more research is needed to figure out just how much sitting is dangerous, and what might be possible to offset those effects.

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