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"So far everything has gone smoothly, the feedback has been extremely positive.


Being a business owner is tough, but just because the beginning may not go smoothly, that doesn't mean that you don't have a strong run ahead of you.

沉默的歌手 (下篇)

He took a clean white handkerchief from the pocket of his old coat, and put it smoothly on the ground.


The bird glided downward and rested in the grass; the girl directed the chair smoothly along the sunlit, shadowy walk.


Trust God, but don't forget to lock the door; ,; The harmonizing atmosphere of a family is valuable; ; Try your best to let family harmony flow smoothly; ; When you quarrel with a close friend, talk about the main dish, don't quibble over the appetizers; ,,、; You cannot hold onto yesterday; ; Figure out the meaning of someone's words; ; Share your knowledge to continue a timeless tradition; ,; Treat our earth in a friendly way,don't fool around with mother nature; ,;


Unity/solidarity enables people to achieve their objectives more smoothly and rapidly.


An optimistic mindset can help us achieve our objectives more smoothly and realize our dreams more rapidly.


Making plan will enable us to achieve our objectives more smoothly and realize their dreams more rapidly.

忙得来不及思考 你可能得了匆忙病

We all find ourselves multitasking now and then, but what about habitually interrupting someone who is talking, or always getting frustrated in a checkout line or in traffic, even when it's moving along smoothly?


So we shouldn't assume it will all go smoothly for Mrs.


It is said that boys of the age of 12 are the most welcomed as the number of "12" as double of "6", which means "everything will go well smoothly".


Therefore, it's very necessary to open a psychological lesson to college students, helping them get through this period smoothly.


Things go much more smoothly if you have a trip or two in the books ahead of time.

the Gifts of the Little People小人儿的礼物

The old man grabbed the goldsmith and with the GREatest speed smoothly shaved off his beard and the hair from his head.

阅读的10大好处 每天都抽空去读点书吧

That same ability to analyze details also comes in handy when it comes to critiquing the plot; determining whether it was a well-written piece, if the characters were properly developed, if the storyline ran smoothly, etc.


We all love speed and ease these days, and sites that are clean,unclutteredand operate smoothly are much moreaptto engage users.


Indeed, he adds, many business meetings held in English appear to run more smoothly when there are no native English-speakers present.


An optimistic mindset can help us achieve our objectives more smoothly and realize our dreams more rapidly.


Trust God, but don't forget to lock the door; ,; The harmonizing atmosphere of a family is valuable; ; Try your best to let family harmony flow smoothly; ; When you quarrel with a close friend, talk about the main dish, don't quibble over the appetizers; ,,、; You cannot hold onto yesterday; ; Figure out the meaning of someone's words; ; Share your knowledge to continue a timeless tradition; ,; Treat our earth in a friendly way,don't fool around with moth

李白: 蜀道难

The formidable path ahead grows darker, darker still, With nothing heard but the call of birds hemmed in by the ancient forest, Male birds smoothly wheeling, following the females; And there come to us the melancholy voices of the cuckoos Out on the empty mountain, under the lonely moon.

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