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A person to social value, be decided by his affection, thought first with the activity to promote the human benefits have how big functions.

旅游日记Travelling Diary

Therefore, although we had little food with us, we decided to spend the night in the car.


After great deliberation I decided to apply for a job at Merrill Lynch.


Well, goodbye" And she was off As soon as the queen's carriage was out of sight, the girl hurriedly flipped over the pages of the book, the prince turned into a canary, flew to the window, and struck the pillow like an arrow He instantly let out a shrill cry of pain The yellow feathers were stained with blood; the canary had driven the pins into his breast He rose with a convulsive flapping, trusted himself to the wind, descended in irregular arcs, and lit on the ground with outstretched wing


He couldn't imagine who was doing this At last he decided to hide behind the door and find out Whom should he then see but a very dainty maiden emerge from the woodpile, wash the dishes, sweep the house, and make his bed, after which she opened the cupboard and helped herself to a cake Out sprang the shepherd, asking, "Who are you?


" "Take these clothes and jewels Now, if I come back from my third voyage and find you've spun this third load of hemp, which is much bigger than the other two, I promise we'll get married at once" As usual, the girl waited until the last day without touching the hemp Down from the roof's gutter fell a bundle of rags, and out came an old woman with buckteeth She began spinning, spinning even faster, and the more she spun, the longer grew her teeth "To invite me to your wedding banquet,"


" "I'd like to very much" "Come aboard, then" "So Samphire Starboard was the first to embark After that, other sailors took heart and boarded the ship Once he was on the ship, Samphire Starboard did nothing but stand around all day long with his hands in his pockets and dream about the taverns he had left behind The other sailors cursed him because there was no knowing when the voyage would end, provisions were scarce, and he did nothing to earn his keep The captain decided to get ri

美国老人捡零钱 2万美元捐助流浪猫

Once he surpassed his second goal of $20,000, however, he decided to give it all away to the Gulf Shore Animal League, a nonprofit organization run entirely by volunteers that spends the majority of their time helping cats in Manatee County.

少坐多运动 一定会更长寿吗

So for the most groundbreaking of the new studies, which was published this month in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, scientists in Sweden decided to mount an actual experiment, in which they would alter the amount of time that people spent exercising and sitting, and track certain physiological results.


" One more student decided to go.


However,his father decided that he would go to see the professor to urge him to let Jack continue his studies the following year.


One hot summer day,Professor Allan decided to take his children to the beach.


He didn't want anyone to know about it,so he decided not to return with others,but took a later plane home,arriving back at 3 am.


Frustrated,little Johnny decided that the next Friday,he would somehow answer the question and get a three-day weekend.


" The potter decided to lie down holding the donkey's ears so that the donkey would not run away.


Whatever it wa it had left her hair a decided shade of blue and turned her into a pillar of the church.


Now, in her mid-thirties, she has decided to change careers.


Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.


The old woman, who was very greedy, decided that she would like a basket of gold, so she set out for the sparrow's home, Unlike the old man who was kind to the sparrow, the wife used to treat it very badly.


A small, happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit.

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