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This combined scenario may have increased their risk for extinction.


"The drawback is that when caught in a face-to-face communication scenario, they could seem awkward.


In the study's first scenario, 180 observers were shown a picture of a woman wearing a white polo shirt and asked to rate her wealth, status, attractiveness, trustworthiness, and other characteristics.


Sure, it's possible that your email went straight to spam, but the more likely scenario is either the recipient isn't interested or is too busy to respond.


If your tendency is to imagine the very worst-case scenario every time you face a challenge, then train yourself to reverse that tendency.


"This reduction in ownership and an accompanying shift to vehicle sharing within each household, in the most extreme hypothetical scenario, could reduce average ownership rates by 43% (from 2.


" Before getting ahead of ourselves, the steps - particular in the latter scenario - are likely to be small.


Perhaps the biggest domestic threat to the 3% growth scenario would be a surprisingly swift hike in interest rates, but from all indications a dovish Federal Reserve is unlikely to take aggressive action in 2015.


When asked a question at a carefully choreographed public meeting in Russia in August about whether Kazakhstan, which has a large ethnic Russian population, could face a "Ukraine scenario", Vladimir Putin caused alarm in Astana by saying that the Kazakh people had never had a state before Mr Nazarbayev was president.


What might seem like a hellish scenario for those still keen on the solitary escapism associated with a traditional movie-going experience is meant to appeal to younger audiences for whom mobile phones have become lifelines and sharing one's every thought — even about something as banal as the air-conditioning in the cinema — has become a way of life.


In the third negotiating scenario, in which a creative solution was needed to bridge a gap on a property deal wider-faced men were less successful in the negotiation.


in this scenario, has a numbing effect on the mind that's similar to mindlessly watching television.


However, worry is rarely productive -- "it's something we do over and over again, without much resolution, and it's typically of the worst-case scenario of the future," explains Jason Moser, Ph.


Thus, an emergence of skewed sex ratios at birth is a likely scenario if daughter preference continues to be common in a society with declining fertility.


I'm just saying that had you accounted for the "having a big wedding" scenario, you might have saved more in the past, and hence not need to get into credit card debt.


"There is one scenario in which Mars passes very close to Earth," 794 kilometres (493 miles) to be exact, said Laskar.


While experts say it's too soon to know how big the effects will be, lead researcher Aixue Hu said it's probably worth bracing for the worst-case scenario.


When people think in another language, they are more likely to make rational decisions in a problem scenario, a 2012 Psychological Study showed.


This is the ideal scenario, even though they know that things cannot be this way and they get adapted to the reality of their lives.

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