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The Story of the First Calender, Son of a King

You must know that all this time the king, my uncle, was absent on a hunting expedition, and as no one knew when he would be back, I at last decided to return home, leaving the ministers to make my excuses.

一千零一夜:The Story of the Merchant and the Genius

The second old man had not sooner heard the story than he, too, decided to stay there to see what would happen.

英语名人名言:Decisions 决定

Phocylides We must give lengthy deliberation to what has to be decided once and for all.

英语名人名言:Confidence 自信

Anna Freud (1895 - 1982) Having once decided to achieve a certain task, achieve it at all costs of tedium and distaste.


"Because we have not decided what brand will be dominant for smartphones, that's work that's still ahead.


After his diagnosis, Padgett decided to apply his new-found mental capacity by enrolling in community college.

美剧中50句经典俚语 4

Have a mind to , To be decided on ; to intend to Example: The service in our hotel was terrible.

美剧中50句经典俚语 2

New blood New people brought into an organization to introduce different and original ideas Example: It was decided to bring new blood into the school by employing teachers with the latest training.


If you are reserving your love only for those who you have decided are worthy of it – all strangers excluded – it may come as a surprise to learn that this is not love at all, it is called judgment.

伊索寓言:The Eagle and the Fox

An Eagle and a Fox formed an intimate friendship, and decided to live near each other.

格林童话英文版:The Willow-Wren

It was decided that the one who could fly the highest should be king.

格林童话英文版:The Seven Swabians

All seven had decided to travel throughout the world seeking adventure and performing great deeds.

格林童话英文版:The Three Languages

And just as that was decided on, the young count entered into the church, and suddenly two snow-white doves flew on his shoulders and remained sitting there.

安徒生童话英文版:Godfather’s Picture Book

" Godfather had listened closely, thought it over, and decided it was an excellent idea of the old lantern, on this evening of the change from oil to gas, to tell and display the whole history of Copenhagen.

安徒生童话英文版:Peiter, Peter, and Peer

Peiter had decided he wanted to be a robber; he had just seen the play Fra Diavolo, and that had convinced him that a robber's life was the most delightful in the world.

安徒生童话英文版:Our Aunt

' The box-keepers were at their posts, and every spectator had to show his ghostly pass-book, that it might be decided if he was to be admitted with hands loose or bound, and with or without a muzzle.

安徒生童话英文版:The Butterfly

Spring went by, and summer drew towards its close; autumn came; but he had not decided.

安徒生童话英文版:A Story from the Sand-Hills

On second thoughts, he decided that it was better not to hear any more thanks from Martin, and so he turned back.

安徒生童话英文版:Beauty of Form and Beauty of Mind

Alfred decided to take a bust of Kæla as well as of her mother.

安徒生童话英文版:The Marsh King’s Daughter

The little one was so like the Egyptian princess, that the stork, at the first moment, thought it must be the princess herself, but after a little reflection he decided that it was much more likely to be the daughter of the princess and the Marsh King; and this explained also her being placed in the cup of a water-lily.

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